Snowy weather here in DC, which is in stark contrast to what's happening on the opposite coast. These LA fires are brutal and sad and terrifying. They sound very much like the Lahaina fires, but more widespread, if less threatening to human life. (It's easier to evacuate an area when there is more than one road going into and out of it.) It's certainly much less scary, personally, to experience such a disaster from the other side of a 3,000-mile-wide country than from the other side of a 25-mile-wide island.
The snow here caused some problems but nothing major -- inconveniences, mainly. The kids didn't have school Monday or Tuesday, so due to the nonsensical way DCPS schedules snow days that means Lil' S1* will have to come back to school a week after school ends. It snows here and shuts down school for a day or two almost every year. Why they don't build in snow days through the latter half of the school year is beyond me. I mean, there are four professional development days between now and the end of the school year. Why couldn't two of those be swapped with the current snow days? The teachers have to come in regardless, so it wouldn't be any more or less work for them either way. Or if that can't be done, for whatever reason, then build in snow days anyway and adjust the beginning or the end of the schedule, so that the entire thing makes more sense in the (probable) event that there is snow. As it is now, the last day of school is June 17, and then the makeup snow days are July 20 and July 23. Yes, they have to come back for one day of school on Monday July 23. That's an abomination.
*Lil' S2's school has a different schedule, and I haven't looked at what they do about snow days yet.
My conspiracy theory is that teachers like these two fake days at the end because they know that the year will effectively already be over and a lot of kids won't be there (camps and vacations and such will have already started), and so they will have an excuse to show the kids movies in class and whatnot and not do any real work. I don't necessarily believe this, but I don't necessarily not believe it either. The teachers' union's fight with the mayor about returning to the classroom after they had been given early access to the COVID vaccine and after the early effects of learning loss had become apparent has made me unhealthily skeptical of their motives. Sorry not sorry.
So, we had a few days of no school, but, of course, S and I still had to work. That's one of the tradeoffs of remote work. You don't have to commute everyday, but you also don't get a day off when the outside world shuts down. If you've got an internet connection, you have no excuse. Normally, it's not too bad -- with the kids being a bit older now, we don't have to watch/entertain them as much as we used to -- but it just so happened that I had an abnormally large workload earlier this week. It wasn't the funnest thing in the world, but I managed. I even found time to shovel the walk and dig out our cars, which is something that I (oddly?) enjoy. It's super satisfying to make a path of gray through the sea of white, and it's a pretty good workout. Also, it gives us access to our cars, which is nice. They city is actually every good about plowing the roads, so if you can get your car out, you won't be trapped on your property for long. Although, I've come to find that the Tesla is not at its best in the snow. It handles fine, but the battery runs down way faster, and it takes much longer to charge.
In other news, I finished Squid Game season two. The first few episodes, I give an enthusiastic thumbs-up.* The next few episodes, I give a disappointing thumbs-down. The final few episodes I give a reserving-my-judgement thumbs-sideways. Apparently, the scriptwriter wrote seasons two and three as one big story, so the second season ends on something of a cliffhanger. There is no resolution to any of the outstanding plot points, so its hard to judge things. I have to see the finished product first. If the last few episodes of season two are building to something awesome in season three, then I will turn the thumb from sideways to up; if season three is bad, then I will turn it down; if it's so-so then I will keep it sideways. My final verdict will come perhaps this summer.
*Why is it thumbs-up instead of thumb-up, even when you are only using one hand?
Alright, time for some football, a quick workout, and then dinner -- a bang-up evening. Until next time...