Saturday, November 23, 2013

Entry 209: Brief Entry From Down South

It's vacation time for Crocodile DG.  Kinda.  The G & G clan is in South Carolina visiting the in-laws for a week, but I still have to work Monday and Tuesday next week.  Being able to work remotely is a double-edged sword.  On one hand, you can cut down drastically on mind-numbing commutes (my hour and a half round-tripper would drive me insane if I had to do it every weekday, or if podcasts weren't yet invented).  On the other hand, it means even when you're out of town, you still might be expected to be on the clock.  Although in this case, if not for the ability to work remotely, I would have to physically be in the office, so there wouldn't even be an "out of town" in the first place, so being expected to be on the clock while out of town wouldn't even be applicable.  Hmm ... I take it back.  Working remotely is actually a one-edged sword, and it's the edge that doesn't cut you.

It's a new tradition to come down this way for Thanksgiving, but usually we come down Wednesday or Thursday.  This week we did it early because we have to be in attendance tomorrow for a puja -- a Hindu prayer ceremony -- to bless my in-laws' new house.  I have no idea what this entails, other than I have to up at 9:00 a.m, dressed in Indian garb, and I've been assured that I'll be able to watch football in the afternoon.  I brought the iPad and I have the Sunday Ticket app installed, so if all goes well, I won't miss any action.  If all doesn't go well ... At least the Seahawks are on bye this week.

The fact that I have no idea what to expect for the puja isn't so much due to the fact that I'm ignorant of Hindu tradition (although that's certainly part of it); it's more that I never know what to expect with S's family.  I just go with the flow.  Go where they go, eat when they feed me, sleep where they say, and be happy.  That's how I roll.  Actually, it's usually really great and relaxing.  There's usually a lot of down time -- and there are plenty of people around willing and able to watch the little guy -- so I use it catch up on "fun reading", which I almost never have a chance to do anymore.  My book this time is Squared Circle: Life, Death, and Professional Wrestling by David Shoemaker (aka Grantland's "Masked Man").  It's fantastic so far.  I just read the chapter on the Von Erichs.  That is one fucked up family.

Until next time...

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