Friday, May 23, 2014

Entry 235: Guess Who's Back

If you guessed S, my wife, then you are correct.  She came back Monday.  I was at work at the time, but she told me that Lil' S, far being standoffish as I feared, immediately ran to her and hugged her, which is great; she would've been in a stew for a few days if he had responded with less enthusiasm.  It's nice having S back, obviously, although I think I actually sleep better when she's away (shh ... don't tell her I said this).  There are two reasons for this: 1) People just sleep better by themselves -- studies have show this to be true, and it's something I mentioned on this blog before, 2) If I'm sleeping late Auntie (S's mom) will just let me sleep indefinitely, S is not quite as courteous.  On S's watch, once it gets past 8:30 the little guy will somehow "find" his way into the bedroom, and then it's over.  There is no such thing as even trying to sleep if he's in the room and awake.

He's getting really cute now -- not that he wasn't before, but he's even cuter now.  In fact, he's very close to (if not at) the apex of his cuteness.  In my opinion, kids are at their cutest when they're halfway between baby and little kid -- when they still have their baby chubs and make baby noises but can run around and kinda talk.  The high point of cuteness for most kids is probably between 20 and 25 months, and Lil' S will be 22 months in two days, so he's right there.  After 25 months, there is a slow decline in cuteness up until around age seven, at which point there is a jump down, but not a huge one, and then it continues to decline slowly until puberty when cuteness plummets off a cliff and dies altogether.

A few really cute things he does now is he calls a sheep a "ba-bla sheep" (after the nursery rhyme Baa, Baa, Black Sheep); he calls a rabbit a "ha-ha money" (hop, hop bunny); and when he wants to go "ow-sigh" (outside) he'll bring you your shoes and then try to put them on your feet.  He's loves going outside, which is good.  When he's in the yard he just wants to kick a ball on our deck (it's enclosed with railing, so it makes a perfect sized indoor soccer field for him); when we take him to the park, he spends more time watching other kids play than he does playing himself.  It's weird.  When we first take him out of the stroller, he just stands there for a few minutes in a daze like he's never seen such a sight -- even though it's the same park he's been to dozens of times before.  Eventually he'll toddle up to the top of the slide and then again just stand there and watch all the other little kids run around or watch the "big kids" play basketball.  I'm not sure what's going on in his little head, but I've been known to completely space out from to time to time (just ask S), so maybe he's just a chip off the ol' block.

In other news, S's birthday was a week ago.  Since she wasn't around to celebrate it then, we will probably go out tonight -- nothing too exciting, probably just dinner and/or a drink.  We need to do it tonight because it's the last night her mom is around; she flies back to SC tomorrow.  She'll be missed.  Lil' S really bonded with her after a bit of a slow start, and she's such a big help with the cooking and all that.  Although, my waistline could use a reprieve from her constant barrage of delicious Indian food.  I'm very close to the fattest I've ever been (which still isn't all that fat, mind you).  Because I've been doing yoga, I haven't been running at all (I used to go a few times a week), which would be fine if I was eating sensibly.  But I'm not.  I've been gorging myself on Auntie's cooking, and then on top of that I've been snacking like a stoned sumo wrestler for some reason.  Ritz crackers have been my Achilles' Heel lately.  We got a giant box from Costco, and I've been mowin' 'em down a half sleeve at a time.  I gotta start cutting out the junk food.  I'm going to start tomorrow ...  Wait, we're going on vacation next week; there's no way I have the discipline nor the desire to diet on vacation.  Scratch that.  I'll start when we get back.

So let's see ... anything else going on?  Oh, I made a big discovery the other day.  Well, not so much a discovery as a realization as I've always "known" it, but I just never connect the dots until a few days ago.  Back in the day two cartoons I used to watch were The Real Ghostbusters and Garfield and Friends.  It was easy to tell, even as a kid, that the voice of Peter Venkman was also the voice of Garfield; I've known that for 25 years.  But then the other day I realized that Bill Murray, who, of course, played Peter Venkman in the movie Ghostbusters also did the voice of Garfield in the (presumably) awful movie Garfield.  Two different people portrayed both Peter Venkman and Garfield -- that's amazing!  Well, maybe not amazing, but kinda cool ... right?

The other guy -- the guy who wasn't Bill Murray -- was named Lorenzo Music (great name), and according to his imdb page, he was one of those old school TV factotums: he did a little writing, a little acting, and tons of voices.  (He died in 2001 at age 64.)  He only did a few seasons of The Real Ghostbusters because, the story goes, Bill Murray asked why his character sounded so much like Garfield.  The producers took this to mean Murray was unhappy, which they didn't like (Ghostbusters 2 was in the works), so they canned Music and replaced him with ... Dave Coulier!  That's right, the nerdy uncle from Full House.  I had no idea he did Venkman until just now.  I also had no idea Arsenio Hall was the first Winston.  Crazy.

Anyway, I would love to go on and on about The Real Ghostbusters, and why the word "real" is the title, but I'm out of time.  I'll save it for a future entry ... or not.

Until next time...

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