Friday, October 17, 2014

Entry 255: Blogger's Block?

I guess a long entry is not in the cards this weekend.  I tried, I really did, but I just couldn't get anything going.  I started this entry three times, on three different topics, but each time after a few paragraphs, I read what I had written and thought, "This is crap.  I can't post this.  I don't even understand what I'm trying to say, and I just wrote it three minutes ago."  Given what passes for an "entry" on this thing sometimes, you can believe me when I say it was bad.

So instead I'm just going to list 12 completely banal things going on in my life right now, bullet point fashion.  It's all I can muster.

  1. Lil' S has learned how to open doors -- well, a door anyway, the one to his room.  I now wake up in the morning to him knocking on my bedroom door.  It's strange that he knocks, as our door doesn't latch properly, and he can just push it open, which he does at any other time except the morning.  He's strangely shy then for some reason.
  2. S and I have been bickering about when to wean him off pacifiers.  I want to do it now, and go cold turkey.  She wants to do it slowly over the next month or so.  She will probably win because I don't really care that much.  Apathy -- that's how she gets me.
  3. Every other month I have to present something to my entire company.  It's just a five minute rundown on what I've been doing.  But each time I try really hard to make it good -- informative and on the funny side.  It's my only regular outlet for "performance", so I take it way too seriously.  Last one I gave three people independently told me they really liked it -- so, success!
  4. I have three crossword puzzles set to appear in the New York Times.  But I'm currently on a losing streak of like five "near miss" rejections.  Bummer.
  5. I've eaten chicken sauteed in chili powder with mixed vegetables, cashews, and plain yogurt for dinner pretty much every night for a month.  It's damn good.
  6. The Seahawks just traded Percy Harvin to the Jets.  It's a weird move -- certainly not one I saw coming.
  7. I've been listening to the podcast Serial.  It's really good, but the distribution is annoying: Put out more than one half-hour episode a week!
  8. In my spare time, I've been writing a book about baseball and words (a strange mix I know).  I even tried to pitch it to some agents, to no avail, which is expected.  It's intended for a very niche audience.  My honest pitch would have been, "Hey, help me publish this book.  I don't expect to sell many, if any, copies, but I still think it would be cool to bed published!"  My goal is to self-publish before the start of the next baseball season.  If 50 people read and legitimately enjoy this book, I'll be happy -- 100 and I'll be ecstatic.
  9. I've been reading how some congresspeople -- Republicans, of course -- are proposing travel bans between West Africa and the U.S.  How stupid can you get?  "Hey, if people are going to bring Ebola into this country, they should at least have to fly through Canada!"  That will fix things.
  10. Started watching Homeland again, after bailing halfway through season three, because everybody said this season was good.  Everybody is right!  And it goes to show that they really should have killed off Brody at the end of season two.  (I'd say "Spoiler Alert", but if you're over a season behind, all bets are off.)
  11. We recently got our furnace serviced, and the maintenance company had to come out twice.  Each time I took a massive dump in our downstairs bathroom, and then a service guy had to go in there to check the vent.  It was a bit awkward.
  12. One of the workers had tats all over his body (he had F-I-S-T on his knuckles) and those earrings that allow you to see through one's earlobes.  I think this is just the new normal.
  13. Bonus bullet: S just informed me she put Lil' S to bed without a pacifier.  Nice!
Ok, I'm out.

Until next time ...

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