1. S left today for Ghana for a week, which means I have both kids -- or more accurately I have one kid since S's mom is here and she does pretty much all the work with the baby. It's mainly going to entail a lot of driving around, as Lil' S1 is on Spring Break, and so we've signed him up for "gymnastics camp." But we were quite late in enrolling him, and some of the days were already full, so he has to go to daycare a few days. So depending on what day it is I have to pick him up/drop him off somewhere different. Kids are a pain in the ass, eh?
[We are going to miss S while she's Ghana way. I used that one on FaceBook too.]
2. In a previous entry I wrote this about Lil' S1:
But I’ll be damned if he doesn’t say some funny shit. A few of my favorites: glubs (gloves); tow-food (tofu); scrapter (scraper, a type of truck in one of his books), and being-haive (“Daddy, daddy, can I watch something? I’m being-haive.”). He also has a memory like a black hole. He just pulls in information and doesn’t let it go. I’ve learned to give him the benefit of the doubt when he tells me something I think isn’t right, as often it is right and I’m wrong or I’m misunderstanding what he’s saying. And now, when this happens, he follows it up with “See! I told you!” This bodes well for the future. I would love to have a little know-it-all son.I went back and read this entry because I was trying to figure out what day a certain event happened, and I was struck by the term "scrapter". I've since learned that it's "scraptor" and it is a type of character on the show Dinotrux. That's what he was talking about. He wasn't mispronouncing scraper at all. And this in the same paragraph where I talk about giving him the benefit of the doubt. How ironic! If I find out there really is actually something called "tow-food," my mind will be completely blown.
3. I had another crossword puzzle published in the New York Times yesterday. You can read about it here if you are so inclined. (Warning: link contains spoilers.)
4. Earlier this week, I also recorded a short segment about my book with a radio station in Pittsburgh. Apparently the producer was having a conversation about the great baseball player Honus Wagner's lesser-known brother Butts Wagner, so he looked up Butts online and found my book through a $5 add I bought on a baseball website, and then he sent me a media request through CreateSpace. I think the interview went pretty well. It hasn't run on air yet, but the producer said that he will send me an audio link when it does, so... yeah... cool.
[Butts Wagner]
5. Speaking of books, I've started working on another one. It's going to be about sports myths, but not the serious myths that people actually care about. It's going to be about the silly myths like that Bo Jackson was the best character on Tecmo Super Bowl -- stupid stuff like that. It's not going to be done for a while. When your only time to write consists of a half hour at the end of the day when you are completely exhausted progress is pretty slow.
6. Lil' S2 can sit up on his own now, but he still can't quite crawl. He's getting so close though. I think it is going to happen within the next few weeks. Then the really fun begins!
Alright, that will do it. Until next time...
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