Happy Mother's Day, everybody. It's kinda a bullshit holiday,* but it's a nice bullshit holiday, and I find the older I get the more open I am to appreciating the nice bullshit holidays. It's hard to be negative about something whose purpose is to show gratitude to loved ones. When you're young you can afford to be cynical and snarky because you still have the promise of so many genuine moments ahead of you (and it's fun to be that way at that age). But as you get older, you start doing the mortality math, and it's like, I gotta start banking the nice moments now. I mean, it's not like death is right around the corner for me (at least I hope not!), but it's definitely time to start saving -- start saving those memories that mark a life fulfilled.
*The bullshit holidays are Presidents' Day, Valentine's Day, Mother's Day, Father's Day, Flag Day, Columbus Day, and any holiday starting with "International" or "National" that you didn't even know was a holiday until somebody just told you: You know, today is International Faith Healer Appreciation Day.
Although, this year Mother's Day was a little weird because S just got back yesterday from a week abroad, and she was still a bit tired/jet-lagged and didn't really want to do anything. Plus, since I had just been with the kids all week alone, I think she felt too guilty to totally claim the day for herself. I wouldn't have minded though, honestly. The way I see it, she does a lot of the day-to-day family work, so the six weeks or so of the year I do alone with the kids just put us at even. Well, maybe now it puts me ahead a bit because I do all of Lil' S2's soccer stuff. But I dunno. It's tough to say, and it doesn't matter, anyway. The workload split of a couple doesn't need be to divided evenly; it just needs to be divided in a way in which both people are happy. And I think S and I mostly got that down.
In other news, I flew through the final season of Better Call Saul, watching all 13 episodes while S was gone. It was really good, and I think they did an admirable job of tying everything up nicely. Aaron Paul and Bryan Cranston guest-starred in an episode that was about events from Breaking Bad, but it was kinda weird because Paul looks so much older now than he did at the time the original episode aired. He's almost my age playing somebody in his early-20s. That's tough to pull off even with makeup and a beanie cap pulled down close to the eyes. Cranston, however, pretty much looked the same. I think it's just easier to make a 67-year-old look like a 50-year-old (especially one who's supposed to be sick) than it is to make somebody middle-aged look college-aged. That's a very minor nit to pick from what is otherwise a great show, though.
On the flip-side of the coin, a show that isn't great: Ted Lasso. Although it might seem in direct conflict to what I wrote in the first paragraph, I'm finding it hard to hang with that show's saccharine this season. Also, I don't understand why they have so many story lines and so many prominent characters (some of whom arise from and then vanish into thin air) going at once. It feels like they are trying to stretch out the show's success for as long as possible and whenever you do that the product just gets thinner and thinner. Hey, here's an episode with Rebecca on a boat with a random Dutch for no reason whatsoever. Also, it's not very funny anymore. (The strings around the penises was just weird.) I might be done with that show. If S still wants to watch it with me, then I will, but I'm not going to suggest it anymore. Remember my ABE principle for TV shows: Always Bail Early.
Alright, short entry this week. I'm tired.
Until next time...
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