Sure he has some controversial ideas like bombing Germany again just because (see clip below). Sure his humor often comes off as racially insensitive and misogynistic, but Adam Carolla brought the Most Downloaded Podcast Title to the US. He wrested it from the clutches of that pudgy Brit, Ricky Gervais (whose show is also hilarious, by the way), and for this, the Aceman is the second greatest American of all time.
Seriously, I recommend his daily podcast. The thing about Adam Carolla is that he has a reputation of running off at the mouth, saying offensive (but funny) things, and just generally being a Neanderthal, which is all true, but that’s not what makes him great. In addition to all this, he’s really clever and nuanced, but that only comes out when listening to his full show.
For instance, when he talks about his family and kids – just normal, everyday mundane stuff – it’s really funny. On his last show, he was talking about how he accidentally set his son’s cereal bowl on his daughter’s Barbie placemat, and his son threw a tantrum and refused to eat until he used a Thomas the Train placemat – it was hysterical (his version, not my butchered shorthand rendition). But, that’s not the type of comedy the Aceman is known for.
The main reason I like listening to Adam Carolla is that often I’ll be thinking about a topic and then shortly thereafter, it will come up on his show, and he’ll riff on it for five minutes, like it was pulled out of my brain (if my brain was funnier). Two examples are thirst-quenching somehow becoming an extreme activity (see clip below) and the abundance of shirtless obese men on TV.
So, in conclusion, Adam Lakers Carolla is the second greatest American of all time, and you should all start listening to his (free) podcast.
(Full disclosure, I haven’t been able to bring S completely around on the show, but she’s gone from “no!” to “meh” which is a step in the right direction. And every so often when she overhears a bit of it, a little chuckle will escape, and she’ll say, “OK, that is kinda funny.”)
I’ll leave you with the following clip, which has nothing to do with Adam Carolla, but is a great performance of a great “American” song.
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