I have to make a big decision in the next week or so. I have to decide between two job offers. Cosmically, it's not that big a deal which one I pick, but it's a big deal in my little world, and being that I live in my little world (in fact, I'm the only full-time inhabitant), it's a big deal to me. My dilemma is that I really like both companies, the work sounds great, and the people are great (I knew a few people at each company when I applied, and I met a few others during interviews). The locations and pay are comparable as well. They're both in the DC area and both are offering low six figures.
But, the main reason this is so hard is that they both seem to really want me. I feel like they've both offered me good opportunities, so I actually feel guilty saying no to somebody. But, so it goes. And, I know, I know, this is a "good" problem to have. With the US economy in its current state, two offers are definitely better than zero, so I should probably quit my bitching. OK, fair enough, I will.
Well, at least I'll stop bitching about that particular topic.
So, I've spent the last few days cleaning and packing. It's not particularly fun. Not only do I have to go through all my stuff, but I have to go through all the stuff that S left behind as well. It's like she's the roommate who moved out a few months early. I love being that roommate -- they always have it easier -- but this time, I'm the sucker roommate who stayed behind and now has to do way more than his fair share of cleaning. (Although S is doing way more than her fair share of planning the wedding, so it all evens out.)
Worse than the cleaning is the stuff disposal. Even in just a year we've accumulated a bunch of crap, plus the stuff we brought with us, it's like, "what am I going to do with all this shit?" Some of it I can give away, but a lot of it sadly, will just go into the garbage. It's not like the Salvation Army wants a bunch of half-used jars of spices or two bags of freshly ground decaf coffee. (We didn't realize it was decaf, it was called "Morning Special" for Pete's sake. You can't put "Morning" in the title of decaf!)
I only have two suitcases, so I have to make some drastic cuts in the clothing department. I'm like a republican drawing up a budget (except for the part about giving my friends these cuts, instead of actually cutting them). I've already eliminated all the holey socks, old boxers, and shirts that have been relegated to "gym" status. But, the big ticket items -- the Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security of my wardrobe -- are three pairs of shoes that I don't know what to do with. I can definitely take one pair, they'll be on my feet, but I'm not sure about the other two. They just take up too much damn room. I might have to issue vouchers to myself to buy new pairs when I get to the States. The vouchers will be grossly inadequate of course, but I simply can't sustain this current habilimental house of cards.
OK, I just wrote a paragraph comparing luggage to the US budget. I think it's time to go.
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