I made it to and from Memphis this week without incident. It was a short work trip, just two days total -- leave on Tuesday, return on Thursday. Late Tuesday evening and early Wednesday morning, it snowed in Memphis, just a few inches, but when you don't have the infrastructure in place -- snowplows, deicing vehicles, etc. -- a few inches can be a nuisance. Ultimately, it turned out to be no big deal, though. It made the ride from the hotel to the meeting venue Wednesday morning a bit slower, but that's about it. It actually kinda worked out perfectly because it snowed right in between my flights, so neither of them were delayed by the weather.
They were still delayed, though. Both times it seemed to be because the incoming flight was late. I got the dreaded "Your flight is delayed 20 minutes" text. I hate those so much. On flight days, I have a moment of panic anytime I feel my phone vibrate, even when it's nothing. Oh, whew! It's just my sister-in-law's Wordle score. The thing is, I'm not actually that bothered by a small delay. I'm a get-to-the-airport-early type of guy, so 20 minutes hardly matters. I can work/read/watch at the airport just as easily as I can at home. The problem, however, is that 20 minutes is never 20 minutes. It's always more, sometimes much more. I literally cannot think of a time in which my flight was delayed, and then departed without further delay.
I call it the string delay, and it's a staple of airlines. Often you get strung along with more texts officially declaring additional delays, but sometimes you get strung along without further announcement. Sometimes you're just standing there, looking at the display telling you boarding starts in two minutes, when there is no airplane at the gate and nobody behind the counter. Then boarding starts 30 minutes later, with no explanation as to why that delay wasn't worthy of an announcement like the previous delays. And then there are the additional sit-at-the-gate, taxi-to-the-runway, wait-in-line-for-takeoff string delays. Those can easily add another 45 minutes to your actual departure time.
My flight there got hit with a particularly bad string delay, causing me some consternation. There was a dinner I needed to attend starting at 6:30 pm. My original arrival time was 3:45 pm, which even with moderate delay, would get me there with more than enough time to get to the hotel and check-in and all that before needing to leave for the restaurant. However, the string got pulled more and more, and by the time we finally took off the arrival time was now 6:15. The airport is about 35 minutes from the hotel (which is about ten minutes from the restaurant), so I'm thinking there is no way I can get to dinner on time.
Now, I'm doing the calculation on whether or not it's best to go straight to the restaurant with all my bags or go to the hotel first and be even later to dinner. In the former scenario, I figure I'm arriving at 7:00 pm, best case scenario; in the later, it's 7:30, or more likely 7:45, so I figure I'll just go straight there. But then when we land, and I switch my phone off airplane mode, it reads 5:15. I forgot to account for the hour difference in time zones! Huzzah! I don't have any luggage*, and I check-in to the hotel online in the Lyft, so I arrive with time to spare -- not much time, only about ten minutes, but that's certainly better than being late.
*The key to quick traveling, especially if you don't have priority boarding and don't want to pay for it, is to bring a carry-on duffel bag. If you bring a rollaboard suitcase, there might not be room for it by the time you get on, or, as was the case on my flights, the overhead bins might not be big enough to accommodate them at all. Then you have to check your carry-on and either wait for it at baggage claim, which could easily add a half-hour to your trip, or at the gate, where the line still looked quite long. With a duffel bag, you can always squeeze it in somewhere in the bin.
I watched the first episode of Season 3 of White Lotus on the flight there. It was good, but I botched how I did it. I looked on online to see if it was out yet, and I saw something about Season 3 Episode 4, so I figured there were at least four episodes out already, so I resubscribed to HBO (or Max, rather*), only to find that nothing beyond the first episode has dropped yet. Now, I have to keep the subscription for, like, three months to finish the season. Total newb move -- I should have waited until the entire season dropped and binged watched it in like two weeks and then canceled the subscription. Oh, well. Maybe there is something else worth watching on HBO right now. It's amazing that they used to have almost all the great prestige shows -- The Sopranos, Sex & the City, Six Feet Under, Curb Your Enthusiasm -- and now they have only one that I really want to watch.
*I heard somebody on a podcast talking about how dumb it was for HBO to call their subscription service Max, when HBO spent decades establishing itself as one of the biggest names in movies and prestige TV. I couldn't agree more.
On the flight home, I watched The Menu, which I also thought was quite good. I got strong Get Out vibes from it. It's one of those movies where you know something is off from the get-go, and you can't help but be intrigued trying to make sense of it all. Also like Get Out, it takes a turn toward being a straight-up horror movie, without actually getting there, and it doesn't really know how to end. I didn't love the ending of either movie, but I also don't know what would have been better, so it's only a minor demerit. Overall, solid watch, very good for a two-hour plane trip.
Alright, speaking of not knowing how to end things... Until next time...