Saturday, August 18, 2012

Entry 132: Preparing For Sleepless Nights

Tired today.  I didn't sleep well at all last night.  I fell asleep almost immediately, but I woke up around 5 a.m. and couldn't go back to sleep.  I think it was largely from going to the Nationals game last night, or more precisely from drinking a few beers at the game -- just a few, not enough to get drunk, but enough to mess with my sleep, apparently.  It also doesn't help to share a bed with a 8.5-month pregnant woman with restless leg syndrome.  S got up around 8 or so and then I power slept until about 9:30, which I needed to avoid being a complete zombie today.

I was just talking with a friend about how when you sleep-in during the morning, you're much more likely to have crazy intense dreams (or at least more likely to remember them), and this happened this morning.  Of course now I can't remember what my dreams were about, but I remember they were intense.  It's probably good I can't remember, because if I could I'd probably write about it, and if you're like me there are few things you find more boring than the details of somebody else's dreams.  To quote the great (underrated) band Built to Spill, "No one wants to hear, What you dreamt about unless you dreamt about them".

Anyway, the Nats game was pretty awesome.  They're somehow the best team in baseball right now, and they're fun to watch.  It was game 7 of a 9-game plan, I bought with some buddies.  It's called the "Mike Morse Unleash the Beast Plan", and lo and behold, "The Beast" was unleashed -- Morse provided the heroics in a 6-4 victory by hitting an opposite field grand slam.  Morse is actually a former Mariner who got busted in the minors for failing two PED tests (possible from the same dosage).  He's a pretty good hitter now.  I've taken to calling him Sleazeball Morse, because, well, see for yourself...

In other news, we've started watching Game of Thrones.  We're an episode in to season 2.  It's pretty good.  I'd call it great, but I don't love some of the story lines.  It's mostly about battling realms in a fictionalized medieval world, but then they have these other fantastical subplots about dragons and zombies, and these parts are too weird for me.  I mean, it's one thing if you're going to write a fantasy story like The Lord of Rings, in which reality is completely suspended.  But in Game of Thrones there is supposed to be some verisimilitude, I think.  Most everybody is a normal human, but then a few people are magical or undead, so, I don't know, I just don't like the way they mix in the supernatural aspects.

But the characters are terrific, as is the acting.  Peter Dinklage in particular is great as "The Imp" Tyrion Lannister.  There's also this actor Aidan Gillen who's good who I finally figured out also played the mayor in The Wire (that one was bothering me for the longest time and I'd always think of it while driving and then forget to look it up), and who was in the first scene of the latest Batman movie.  Speaking of the Batman movie, I also noticed that the guy who played Bane, Tom Hardy, is the star of the movie Warrior.  I had no idea.  He looks way buffer as Bane (not that he was small before) and it's not like you can recognize his face or voice as Bane.

In other, other news, you might recall me mentioning a few entries ago that I injured my hamstring about a month ago.  It's getting a lot better.  I'm still very limited in the exercises I can do -- pretty much just the boring elliptical machine and recumbent bike (no running, softball, racquetball, squats, etc.) -- but at least I can do everything I need to do in my normal life.  I've been going to the gym after work a lot to rehab it.  I think I need to write a book Simple Rules of Gym Etiquette.  People just annoy me at the gym.  Here would be some of my rules.
[This is what I'm talking about.  The locker with the green lock isn't even this guy's locker.  The green-lock guy came in and had to move this other dude's stuff to get into his locker.  WTF?]
  • Don't leave your stuff all over the locker room while working out or showering.  Believe it or not, other people don't like changing around your mess.  If you do, don't get upset if it gets stolen or put in the trash can.  (Not that I'd ever do these things, but I wish it upon people sometimes.)  
  • Don't use a locker next to a locker that has a lock on it, if possible.  Have a little forethought.  There is nothing worse than trying to change in the same 2-foot by 2-foot area when the entire rest of the locker room is open.
  • If you want to listen to music, use headphones.  This one is questionable, because there is a stereo in the gym.  But I say that's a vestige of a pre-iPod era, when walkmen were cumbersome and annoying to work out with.  Now, you can get an MP3 player as big as my thumbnail, there is no need to subject the entire gym to your shitty workout mix.
  • Don't act like you own the gym just because you can lift more than most people.  There's this big fat, older dude who's at my gym sometimes.  He's very strong and he'll do these super-sets where he rotates between a dozen stations, but he never cleans up a station in between rotations, so the station looks like it's in use, so other people are hesitant to start using it.  It's like, c'mon dude, you can't "claim" 12 stations simultaneously.  Have some courtesy.  And also, instead of blasting your quads for a fifth time, why don't you hit the treadmill for 20 minutes, that's what you really need.
  • Don't monopolize the ab mats and yoga balls.  If you want to do t'ai chi or yoga or something that requires you to use a mat or a ball for more than ten minutes, take a class or do it at home.  There's a guy who comes in with his laptop and does like a 45-minute stretching / yoga / I-don't-know-what routine.  He takes up the entire ab station.  The fact that he's not even doing a real workout makes it that much more annoying
Anyway, I could go on and on, but I'll stop here, mostly because I have to do some stupid household chores (laundry, trash, etc.).  I hate chores.  I need an assistant to take care of this stuff for me.  All I need is to have my salary quadrupled.  I'm doing the bulk of the chores now too, because if S is on her feet too much they swell up like water balloons.  Seriously, I've never seen anything like it.  My sister's feet got pretty bad when she was pregnant, but I think S's are worse.  They get so huge, but then if she lies down for a few hours they go way down.  It's the weirdest thing.

Until next time...

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