Saturday, March 7, 2015

Entry 275: Snow Delay

I must send my regrets, Crocodile DG fans, this week's entry is being delay by snow.  How can a blog entry be delayed by snow, you might ask?  It works like this.  When it snows, daycare closes, but I still have to work.  It's one of the downsides of being able to telecommute.  Usually it's not a problem, because S can watch the little man upstairs while I hole up in my makeshift office downstairs.  Sure, every so often I have to take a ten minute break to attend to the escaped child pounding on the door ("Daddy, I'm here.  I'm here, Daddy.  Open da door.")  But for the most part it works out fine -- well, for me anyway.  S usually isn't super stoked about this arrangement.

[A scene from my yard a few days ago.]

However, on Friday, we had a unique situation where daycare, which follows the schedule of D.C. Public Schools, was closed, but S's office, which follows the schedule of the Federal Government, was open.  To make things even more annoying, S usually doesn't work on Friday at all, but yesterday she had an important meeting scheduled that would have been canceled had the Federal Government been closed, but it was open, so the meeting wasn't canceled.  This meant that during the workday yesterday, I had to split time on parenting duty with S (and S had to listen to me rant about DCPS having their own snow-day protocol instead of just following the Federal Government's).

While on parenting duty, doing work is absolutely impossible, which meant I had to make up my work during other times when I'm normally not working, and ... well, you see where I'm going with this.  I'm short on free time at the moment.  And to make matters worse, S left for Africa today for work for two weeks, so I'm on dad duty all by myself.  I really only have to get through this weekend -- during the week he'll go to daycare (no snow in the forecast, thank god) and next weekend the in-laws are coming up for reinforcements -- but this weekend, as it just so happens, is happening right now.  So here we are.  There is a mound of dishes in the sink, a bucket of Hot Wheels scattered on the steps, and possibly a small piece of poop in the bathtub drain (I'm really hoping it's a bit of a Kit-Kat bar I gave him for using the toilet).

And that's how a blog entry gets snow delayed.  On the plus side, I built a cool little snowman today.

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