Saturday, December 17, 2016

Entry 361: Winter Break -- Woo!

Likely no entries for a few weeks.  We are headed out for the rest of 2016, going south for a much needed vacation.  I got a book loaded on my Kindle -- The Man Who Knew Infinity -- and I'm looking forward to finishing it.  It's about the mathematician S. Ramanujan.  There is a movie by the same name coming out in April, and I would feel like a fraud if I saw the movie without reading the book first.  Although the book is not as good as I was hoping thus far.  It's not bad, by any means; I'm enjoying it, but it's slow, and there isn't nearly enough math in it.  The "problem" with it is that it is written for a general audience, and I want something more technical and math nerdy.  Less culture, more conjectures!  Oh well.

It's a shame the movie isn't out already, as S and I might actually get a chance to go to the theater by ourselves.  We usually do about once a year.  Last year we saw Force Awakens, so this year maybe we will see Rogue One.  Although, honestly, I'm not that into the new Star Wars movies.  I could take them or leave them.  They would be great to watch with my kids, but they are still too young (and I've heard Rogue One is 133 minutes of war and violence).  But, hey, there are worse ways to spend an afternoon than watching a new Star Wars film -- like, say, being forced to watch Office Christmas Party.

Okay, gotta go -- a long drive awaits.  Until next time...

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