Sunday, April 30, 2017

Entry 378: Blog By Bulletpoint

It's 10:00 p.m. Sunday evening.  I had every intention of putting up a real post this weekend, but, you know, kids and whatnot.  I don't have the brain capacity at the moment to put together coherent, cohesive prose of any length, so I'm just going to put up some thoughts I've been kicking around of late and call it a post.  It's better than nothing... probably.

  • You know what's a weird impulse that pretty much everybody I know has?  The overwhelming desire to tell something to somebody they don't need to hear and don't want to hear.  Today I was picking up dinner for us and some friends and it took a really long time because the restaurant messed up.  I was so annoyed that I vented to (more like at) S all the way to our friends' place, and then, not getting the response I wanted from her, I then vented to one of our friends once we got to their place.  I did this knowing full well that she could give a shit (nobody was in a hurry to eat).  In fact, as I was talking I could see the "I couldn't care less what this person is saying, so I'm just going to nod my head and wait this one out" expression come over her face, but I still kept going with it anyway.  Why?  Why did I do that?  Why do people do that?
  • S and I, like, I presume, most couples, have the same two or three arguments over and over again just in different form.  One of our classics is the "nitpicking versus trying to clarify" argument.  In S's version, she will say something, and I'll call it into question on a minor detail, and she will get annoyed that I'm being so pedantically focused on minutia when she's trying to make a larger point. In my version, S says something that sounds wrong to me, and I will ask her about, because if I don't I won't understand her larger point.

    For example, today S and I had the following conversation.

    Her: Hey, you know how I'm going to get a new desktop computer?  I found a desk for it I want to order.
    Me: Wait... desktop... what?
    Her: My new computer -- I need a new desk for it.  Remember, you said there wouldn't be enough room for a desktop and your laptop on our current desk?  So we need another desk.
    Me: [Searching my brain for this conversation] I don't remember you saying that you wanted a desktop.
    Her: [Now annoyed] We went over this already.  I told you that I wanted the big screen.
    Me: I just don't remember you saying that you wanted to get a desktop.
    Her: We had this conversation, just like a week ago!  Remember I told you I needed a new computer -- my old one is about to die -- and I wanted one with a big screen for work?
    Me: Yeah, but I don't remember you saying you were getting a desktop.  Do they even make those anymore?  I mean, you travel all the time.  Why don't you get a laptop and buy a big monitor with a nice docking station?
    Her: Yeah, that's what I'm going to do.  That's what I mean by a desktop.
    Me: That's not a desktop!

    I'm claiming "victory" in this one.  A laptop with a docking station -- which we did discuss a few days ago (and which I should have remembered) -- is not a desktop.  S, to her credit, agreed with me -- in this instance.  There are others, I'm sure, in which I'm not the clear-cut winner.  But you probably won't read about those because I'm the only one of the two of us with the blog.
  • I tried to take Lil' S1 to soccer again yesterday.  It didn't go well, at all.  He played for about five minutes, but only with me, not with any other kids, and then he dug holes in the dirt with a stick, and then after I took his stick away, he stood still on the field and pouted until snack time.  I'm not going to take him again.  I don't see the point.  He just doesn't like it.  He said, "Soccer's so boring.  You just kick a ball somewhere."  When I asked him what activity he wanted to do instead, S offered swimming, and he said, "No, baseball."  There's still hope!
  • Two new podcasts I've started listening to: S-Town and Nancy.  Both excellent so far.  The latter is all about LBGT issues.  I learned all about the "other" Brandon Lee (very NSFW; the pic above is the cleanest one you will find if you Google him) and about the Log Cabin Republicans.  I have to say, being gay and being Republican doesn't really strike me as the massive hypocrisy I once thought it was and that liberals sometimes make it out to be.  Yes, gay Republicans belong to a party that isn't very welcoming to them, but they believe strongly in other tenets of the party, and they are actively trying to gain acceptance within the system.  People have to make these types of compromises and fight these internal fights all the time (amirite, ladies?).  And let's not forget, pretty much every major Democratic politician was opposed to many major LGBT rights and protections also until, like, five years ago.  So I'm not at all bothered by somebody being gay and Republican.  Well, I am, but it's just the Republican part.  Given the current state of the GOP, I don't see how a right-thinking, decent person could claim to be a part of it.  Who they want to screw doesn't even enter into the picture.
Alright, I'm out.  Until next time...

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