Saturday, September 7, 2024

Entry 728: Tired Weekend

It's a tired weekend thus far here at the G&G household. Everybody is worn out for different reasons. Lil' S1 is tired because he's sick. He hasn't really gotten out of bed all day. We know he's not faking it because it's Saturday. Actually, come to think of it, if any kid would fake sickness so that he could stay in bed all day on a Saturday, it would be Lil' S1, but he also turned down the opportunity to go to a friend's birthday party, and he would not have done that if he wasn't really sick... I don't think. Also, he just looks sick. I can't explain what it was, but I could see sickness on his face this morning. Hopefully, he gets better soon. In part because nobody wants their kid to feel ill; in part because I don't want him to get the rest of us sick, including me.

S gets annoyed with me whenever I demonstrate concern for myself when one of the kids is sick -- I guess she thinks it's self-centered or something -- but I stand by it. It's a legit worry. You can make a completely selfless argument that you, as a parent, can't properly attend to a sick child if you're sick yourself. Now, it's true that I'm not completely selfless in my motivation. It's about 50-50 -- I also just don't want to get sick because I don't want to be sick -- but that doesn't invalidate the selfless rationale. Anyway, I just don't vocalize this concern to S anymore. But I think it.

Lil' S2 is tired because he's been running around all day, and I mean that pretty much literally. He's turning into such a little dude, where all he wants to do is play football or basketball with his bros. Today, he was already awake when I got up around 8:30 am, and he immediately started asking me if I could text his friends' parents to arrange a meetup. I made him hold out until 10 am, and then I made a few texts and dropped him off at a field with his cleats (lol), a water bottle, and a football, and just went back to pick him up a few minutes ago at 4:00 pm. He didn't play football the entire time -- at some point he went over to a friend's house and made $3 from a lemonade stand -- but he probably didn't rest much either. It's good, but for the fact he often comes home exhausted and hungry and starts pitching fits over the smallest things. He's in a good mood at the moment, but he's also doing screen time. Let's see what happens when we turn off the iPad in a few minutes.

S is tired because she was traveling earlier this week, and that makes almost everybody tired. This is one way in which S has aged over the past few years. She used to be an almost indefatigable traveler. But now I've noticed she doesn't recover from the jet lag like she used to. When she travels I have to mentally factor in a few days after she returns, in which I know she's just going to be a little out of it, and this is true even for domestic trips. I mean, she "only" went to California this time. Although, to be fair, she took a very late flight home Thursday evening and didn't get in until 2:00 am yesterday. Also, she's just a little sleepy now. She's not in can't-opern-my-eyes-full-on-zombie-and-it's-only-4:30-pm-mode.

I'm tired because I go to sleep to late, so I'm pretty much always tired. It gets particularly bad when I don't have to go into the office, and I didn't go into the office at all this past week. Also, there is football on now, and those games frequently go past 11:00 pm. Also, also, I'm about 90% done with Lonesome Dove, and I've been lopping off huge chunks of it late at night instead of sleeping. Also, also, also, I've been hitting the stationary bike pretty hard. I got my routine down. I go for 45 minutes and knock out 15 miles. That's a cool 20 mph pace. Then I get off the bike and finish my workout with 30 seconds of pushups, 30 seconds of crunches, and 30 seconds of squats. (I'm almost able to do 50 pushups in 30 seconds -- my record in 46 -- which is pretty damn good, if I do say so myself.) I pay for one hour of parking and get back to my car just in time.

Alright, that's all for today. No screens time is about to kick in, and I have to practice what I preach. S caught me on my phone the other day during no screens time.

"It's your rule!" she said to me.

"Yeah, but I really only meant it to be for you and the kids," I responded.

She didn't like my reply. Actually, she did -- it made her laugh. But she wouldn't like it if I was serious.

Until next time...

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