Merry Christmas!!!
Well, my hopes for a long-ass entry today went out the window upon receiving an email from the mortgage company requiring more information and more documents from us. This time it actually came with something called a "Mortgage Loan Commitment" letter, but the commitment, of course, is conditional, making the letter almost meaningless. When do we get the loan? That's all I care about. Until then, you can keep all your pre-qualifications and conditional commitments to yourself.
It's getting pretty frustrating. The worst part is that they ask us for the same documents again and again and have trouble with anything requiring a modicum of critical thinking. For example, they wanted to know about a transfer from one of our accounts to another. The transfer was made from Bank A on the 15th of the month and received by Bank B on the 16th of the month. As it so happens, the statement for Bank A showing this transfer ended on the 15th (meaning it showed all transactions on the 15th but not the 16th). So, the underwriter of the loan saw the transfer into Bank B on the 16th, saw that the statement for Bank A didn't include the 16th, and then complained that they couldn't source the transfer! If they would have just scanned the debits of the Bank A statement they would have seen it in 30 seconds max. And this after I sent an email in which I explicitly stated the transfer was made from Bank A on the 15th! Ugh... And sadly, I'm the calm one, S had to lock herself into our bedroom and decompress she was so frustrated tonight.
On the plus side, I'm leaving for the south Puget Sound region tomorrow. (Yay!) The first time in a year and a half. I get to see my nephews and all my other family and friends. Pretty stoked. In fact, I have to go pack, so I need to wrap this up.
But I leave you with a great song I randomly heard on the radio today. The "Heart of Rock & Roll" by Huey Lewis and the News. And when I say great, I mean "great", not great. I mean vapid, cheesy, formulaic, 80s, rock song great. For these types of ditties, it's hard to beat Huey.
A few things I love about this song. The heartbeat at the beginning right before it kicks in, nice touch. The non-swear word pause, "They like it with a lot of flash, but it's still that same old back beat rhythm. That really really kicks 'em in the ..." (See you think he's going to say "ass", but he doesn't.) Also, the sax solo is pretty sweet (80s staple), and the call out of all the cities around the country. That's nice because you hear your city get a shout out, and who doesn't like that? "DC, San Antone, and the Liberty Town, Boston and Baton Rouge. Tulsa, Austin, Oklahoma City, Seattle, San Francisco too." He got both of mine.
Some people go to great lengths to deal with the kind of frustration you're experiencing.
Haha... Yep, supposedly only one document yet to be resolved and we should close in a week as expected. We shall see.