Friday, January 25, 2013

Entry 156: Three Quick Takes

1.  I don't like it when people use the word "nationality" when they mean "ethnicity" or "race".  This just bothers me for some reason.  Occasionally people ask me what my wife's nationality is, and I'll respond without missing a beat, "American", even though I know they know she's American, and that what they're really asking is what her lineage is.  It's not a PC thing on my part, it's just a definitional pet peeve thing.

2.  I have the perfect compromise for the gun control kerfuffle.  No new gun control laws whatsoever, but the NRA has to disband, and all gun zealots have to shut the fuck up forever.  I'm only half joking about this.  The attitudes of gun nuts toward guns is more worrisome to me than the guns themselves.  And here's a hypothetical situation for you to ponder.  Suppose some sort of cosmic deal was offered by an all-powerful being: Gun violence would be ended forever and in exchange all guns will vanish forever.  If each gun owner in the U.S. has a vote, what percentage are voting against the deal?  In other words, what percentage of gun owners love their guns so much that deep down inside they would rather have guns and live with the violence than have no guns and no violence?  Is it as high as 10%?  20%?  Is this deal even accepted? Is it more than 50%?  I honestly think it might be.              

3.  I read that Ashton Kutcher is playing Steve Jobs in a biopic.  He's an interesting pick, and not one I would've guessed, primarily because his style isn't really suited to a role like Steve Jobs.  And by "style" I mean "terrible acting".  I guess I should applaud Kutcher though, as I'm all about efficiency and Kutcher is nothing if not efficient.  He looks decent with his shirt off, and he was halfway funny playing a moron on a sitcom (and halfway is being pretty generous).  That's it, yet somehow he gets real acting gigs -- that's a damn good use of resources.  Matt LeBlanc must be jealous.  Don't worry, Matt, you'll always have Ed.  It was the minor leagues, but it was a major friendship.   

Until next time...


  1. I hear ya about the gun crazies. It's so disturbing. I get why the people who manufacture and sell them are up in arms (pun intended) about regulation, but why just your average joe? Excluding law enforcement and military, both of whom I respect and believe should be armed, it doesn't take any intelligence, courage, or nobility to shoot a gun. Any mammal with opposable thumbs can do it. You are not cool or brave just because you own a firearm. Or a dozen.

  2. From "The Onion"...

    "NRA Fights Legislation That Would Ban Gun Sales To Those Currently On Killing Sprees"

    Yep, that pretty much sums it up.
