Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Entry 448: Dad Comics

Sick day today.  Not for me, but for Lil' S1.  I get to stay home too and blog while he naps, but I actually would rather be in the office today.  I got a bunch of stuff I need to do before I break for the holidays, and my computer is at the office, so I can't do it now, even if I wanted to.  Also, I've got a good gym routine going and being home is messing it up.  Most Tuesdays S could stay home instead of me, but she has a "hard out" meeting this afternoon, so I'm up.  If it was Wednesday then I'd be all set, as I work from home Wednesdays, anyway.  But it's not like we can instruct Lil' S1 to hold off on being sick until tomorrow.

Although, I tried.  He was having stomach issues last night, and he threw up, but then he felt better, so we thought he might just have eaten something that didn't agree with him.  This morning he was kinda logy, so I should have just kept him home from the get-go (S was already at the office), but I had such a busy schedule, I tried to will him into good health.  It didn't work.  Ten minutes after I dropped him off at school the nurse called, and I had to come back and get him.  He threw up again in the nurse's office and then a few more times when we got home.  Clearly, he's got some sort of stomach bug.  So, we're at home now.  He watched some TV; I read him some books; and now he's taking a nap -- a long nap.  It's been over three hours.  I'm hesitant to wake him up, but I don't want to screw up his schedule too much.  I'll give him until the end of this post.

One thing I should take away from this, but probably won't, is that nothing is ever that big of an inconvenience.  This morning I thought, "Ugh... this is going to throw off my schedule forever," and now it's like "eh... whatever."  Everything I wanted to do today I'll do tomorrow -- the work will still be there; my gym will still be there -- and if it means I have to put in a few extra hours "off the clock" before vacation to get everything done, oh well.  (There are plenty times when I'm "on the clock" with nothing to do, so it all evens out.)  It's just that inertia is such a strong force.  Once you are in the process of "doing something," it seems like a big deal to stop.  (An object in motion...)  But then once you've stopped, it's like, why was I so gung-ho on doing that anyway?  Right now I'm in my sweats, blogging, and the office is not very appealing at all.  (An object at rest...)   One thing I'm very conscious of is that I'm fortunate to have a job like this with flexible hours and ample sick leave.  Not everybody has that.

In other news, I've taken to making comics again.  I used to do this in high school and early college -- somewhere I have a folder filled with comics and comic ideas -- and then it kinda fizzled (like so many of my undertakings).  But Lil' S1 wanted me to make comics for him, so I drew a few aimed specifically at him, and then I got some other ideas and started drawing some more.  He's really into the Diary of a Wimpy Kid series, and in one of the stories, the main character, Greg, draws comics, so that's how it all started.

By the way, Diary of a Wimpy Kid is pretty good -- tolerable kid lit.  My big critique of it is that it goes too far into the realm of contrived and unbelievable.  It's excellent when it sticks to the relatable mundanity* of suburban, middle-school boyhood, but then it always has a story arc that goes too far over-the-top and turns into something far-fetched.  It's like it starts as funny-because-it's-true and then it ends as kid-having-a-wacky-adventure.  The former I find clever; the latter not so much.  But, Lil' S1, eats it up nevertheless -- so much so, he has three books memorized almost verbatim.

*The Blogger text editor is giving me a red underline for both relatable and mundanity.  What the hell?  Those are fairly common words, no?

Anyway, I'll end with a few of my comics.  As you will see, I'm not much of an artist, and the print is kinda small.  I will have to write bigger so they translate better to the screen.

The first one I did, on a lark.

S's favorite.

Lil' S1's favorite.

My favorite.

That's all I got for today.  This will almost certainly be my last post until after the new year.

Until then...

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