Friday, June 14, 2024

Entry 717: Curb Your Connections

Leaving for vacation tomorrow, and I'm already in a vacay kinda mind. So, for this post, I'm going to do a special edition of Hollywood Connections: Curb Your Enthusiasm only. The show recently ended, for good, which has made me especially nostalgic for older episodes, so I've been watching clips of them on YouTube, and in so doing, I frequently see an actor I now recognize from something, whom I didn't recognize when I first saw the episode because they weren't yet in the thing I recognize them from. Does that make sense? If not, you'll catch on quickly, nevertheless.

10. Ed O'Ross: Six Feet Under

He plays the mom's boyfriend on Six Feet Under, and he plays the deli owner who lets Larry change the sandwich named after him. (Originally, Larry's sandwich was something he thought was gross -- white fish and capers or something like that -- which of course greatly perturbed him, especially considering his nemesis Ted Danson's sandwich was something delicious.) On Six Feet Under, O'Ross is Russian, and on Curb, he also has some sort of accent (generic Eastern European?), but, if Wikipedia is to believed, he's just a plain old American Caucasian. It says he was an amateur boxing champion and also played minor league baseball. That's pretty cool.

9. Steve Coogan: Night at the Museum

Reading this guy's Wikipedia page, he seems pretty famous across the pond, but he's not very well-know in the States (at least he wasn't by me). S and the kids watched Night at the Museum some time ago, and I popped my head in for a bit, and then a few days later, I came across this bad therapist Curb clip.

8. Maggie Wheeler: Friends

I didn't realize it until relatively recently, but Chandler's girlfriend on Friends, Janice, was in an episode of Curb. She's the LOL-sayer in this very funny scene from arguably the funniest episode in Curb history (that would be way too hot to run today). 

7. Kaitlyn Devers: Booksmart

I love her in Booksmart, one of my favorite comedies ever, so I was delighted when I realized she was the girl having the period in a Curb episode. I question the verisimilitude of the clip, but it's still pure comedy gold.

6. Skyler Gisondo: Booksmart

Speaking of Booksmart, the guy who plays Jared in that movie was also in an episode of Curb.

5. Bob Odenkirk: Breaking Bad

Now, of course, Bob Odenkirk is a huge name actor. But back when he was on Curb, he wasn't nearly as well-known as is today. He was still kinda famous because he was on Mr. Show, but if you didn't watch that show (which I didn't), you probably didn't know who he was. I remembered his character on Curb very well (Gil Bang), but I didn't realize it was Bob Odenkirk playing him until I rewatched the scene years later, after I had seen a few seasons of Breaking Bad

4. Sam Richardson: I Think You Should Leave

I love I Think You Should Leave, and Sam Richardson is a big reason why. He's also hilarious in this scene. As somebody who is very white and has conceived children with somebody who is very brown, I've had a version of this conversation before. It's not actually that awkward and contentious, however. And gun to my head, I would go a little darker--you don't have to worry as much about sunscreen.

3. Mindy Kaling: The Office

Yes, she was once on Curb, as Richard Lewis' assistant. As an aside, I've been rewatching The Office with the kids. I forgot how great that series is. Mindy Kaling as Kelly Kapoor is hysterical, and she's probably, like, the sixth funniest person on the show. 

2. Marissa Jaret Winokur: American Beauty

I showed this clip to Lil' S1 recently, and it was driving me crazy that I couldn't place the actress in it. Then it hit me like a shot: She's the fast food worker in American Beauty when Lester catches his wife cheating on him! I haven't seen that movie in over 20 years, so that was a sweet a-ha moment.

1. Brett Gelman: Stranger Things

He's Murray from Stranger Things; he's the awful brother-in-law in Fleabag; and he's the pig parker in Curb. Great actor, by the way -- he plays the kinda-sleazy, kinda-charismatic dude brilliantly.

Alright, that's all I got.

Until next time...

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