Friday, December 24, 2010
Entry 41: Christmas Break
In about an hour I'm going to meet my parents who are in Australia for the holidays. I probably will not get a chance to post an entry for a week or so. Just be patient loyal readers. I will be back.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Entry 40: Hardscrabbled
To prove it, I took a snapshot of the board.
You’ll notice in the upper right corner that I’ve labeled my user handle for the site and my score. It says shortymcsh, that’s me, 640 points. (My handle is short for Shorty McShortGame. I ran out of characters.) You’ll also notice in the upper left corner that my opponent scored 367 points. Poor twopine1! He/she never had a chance. The tiles I played are shown in red, the tiles twopine1 played are shown in blue.
The big plays came early. My opponent hit the bingo HANGERS (a bingo is when all seven tiles in your rack are played in one turn -- it’s a 50-point bonus) putting an H in the top row. I then counter-bingoed with REDHEADS, covering two triple word scores in the process, so not only did I get the 50-point bonus, but my point total was multiplied by nine (triple-triple) giving me a 158-point play.
On my very next play, I hit another bingo LIMNERS (a word you would only know from Scrabble) to give me 237 points after three plays. A couple plays later I put down another bingo AVERTING (76 points), then parlayed the X into a big score AX (47 points), and then found myself with DELIVER in my rack. The only place I could see to play it would have required me to make the words LOWED and SIZER in the process. I knew the latter was a valid play, but I wasn’t 100% confident about the former. It was too good to pass up though, so I made the play. In fact, LOWED is valid. It’s the past tense of low, which as a verb means, “to utter the sound characteristic of cattle”.
In retrospect, I now see that instead of DELIVER, I could have played either RELIVED or REVILED making LOWER and SIZED in the process, both of which are obviously valid, so I didn’t even need to take a risk. That’s the type of thing I almost certainly would’ve seen in a regular game, but didn’t have time to look for in a short game.
I also see now that I could have had an even higher score had I tried to play my last two tiles -- D and I -- optimally. I played DIT for 4 points just to end the game, put I could have first played QI for 11 points, and then after my opponent played (he/she had A and U so he/she couldn’t have ended the game) I could have played the D to make BED/DEF (spot L6) for 13 points. This sequence would have netted me 18 points, so I could’ve had 658 points (668 total since I had a 10-point clock penalty). Man, I should have done that. Oh well, I’ll remember it for the next time this exact same sequence of words is played.
Friday, December 17, 2010
Entry 39: Bah Humbug!
To which I say, “meh”.

[What's so nibby merry about it!]
The other day my sister told me in an email that I’m more Scrooge than Cratchit. Sadly, my wife agrees. “You are like Scrooge… sometimes,” she said. (And I think the “sometimes” was just added as a softener.) They might be right. The older I get the more I think this Scrooge guy was on to something. Who wants to be bothered with all this yuletide nonsense? Let’s take a quick look at the pros and cons of Christmas.
The tree: First off, you have to go out and get it somehow. Cutting one down yourself usually means manual labor, being out in the cold, and missing football games (three things I generally try to avoid). Even if you just buy one from a lot, you still have to rope it to your car, and lug it in to your home. You get pitch and pine needles all over the place. Then, after Christmas, it dies and you have this giant rotting thing that you don’t know what to do with. It’s a lot of trouble just to see some plastic orbs dangling from some branches, if you ask me.
The decorations: Similar to the tree. Very low reward to effort ratio. They are fine if somebody else puts them up. I have a friend whose mom has a massive Dickens Village collection. I mean massive. It can fill up multiple rooms. It's so over-the-top that it's sorta cool, but I still can't imagine ever thinking, "You know what I'm gonna do? Spend a bunch of money on a bunch of porcelain figurines and buildings, so that once a year I can spend a day setting them up, so that two weeks later I can spend a day putting them away again."
The baking: Since my sister couldn’t send us food internationally, she sent us a family recipe for these delicious turtle cookies. I am planning on making them, but I’m not happy I have to do it myself. Just getting the ingredients and the pan is probably going to require a dedicated trip to the supermarket. For somebody who hates shopping as much as I do, that’s a big deal.
The shopping: See above. And is there a worst place to be than a mall around Christmas time? Everything I hate about malls is intensified tenfold during the holiday season.
The gift giving: I’ve already covered my feelings on gift giving in a previous entry, so I won’t go into it again.

[One of the stranger collaborations I've seen, David Bowie and Bing Crosby singing noels. Here's a link to a clip of them doing Little Drummer Boy a capella. A funny thing about the clip is the forced-acting, porn-movie-style intro: just get to the music already!]
The music: I actually like a lot of Christmas songs. I just hate hearing them over and over and over (especially if being played poorly on a pocket trumpet two feet from my front door). Also, there are all these weird versions, like you’ll hear a Muzak version of White Christmas that completely ruins the song. And I absolutely cannot stand any songs by the Chipmunks or the one where the kid sings about wanting his two front teeth for Christmas. The latter is probably the worst song I’ve ever heard, yuletide or otherwise.

[When I finally get around to siring some offspring, I can only hope that they don't like this annoying, unfunny trio.]
The movies: A Christmas Story is excellent, but that’s about it (and I’ve seen it somewhere between ten and fifty times). My mom loves It’s a Wonderful Life, but I could never get into it. It’s a lot of Jimmy Stewart prattling on in an old-timey manner. Also, there is a mentally challenged angel involved somehow, and scenes of stars in space talking to each other.
The eggnog: It’s a delicious drink.
That’s it, those are my lists.
OK, I also love the family and friends and the parties. In fact, we had our department holiday party a few days ago. Here Christmas parties are quite different, because they’re in the summer. Instead of campy sweaters, turkey dinners, and sitting by the fire, it’s shorts, picnics, and cricket.
We literally played cricket (see my Facebook page for a pic of me in the field). I wasn’t bad either. I wanted to swing the cricket bat like a baseball bat, and I still don’t have a complete grasp of the rules (I’m getting there though), but for a friendly game I could play without embarrassing myself (which is more than I can say for a few of the other participants). I got a couple of good wallops in with the bat, I made a few nice catches in the field, and I made a few nice bowls. The great thing about cricket is that it’s such a slow-paced game and the playing field is so large (there is no foul ground like in baseball) that even if you don’t like playing sports, as long as you like lazing, you can still participate. Just grab a beer, stand in the shade, and hope the ball doesn’t come your way.
I’ll leave you with two cricket clips. The first is Yuvraj Singh belting six sixes in an over (I’m learning the lingo). The second is a fantastic catch by Justin Kemp set to Carl Orff’s O Fortuna.
Ps – I listened to Adam Carolla’s latest podcast yesterday, and guess what he was complaining about. The funny pages, and how they are not funny. It's strange how he talks about that one day after I post a similar discussion on my blog. I'm not accusing anybody of stealing my material... I'm just saying...
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Entry 38: Mosquitoes, God, and Adam Carolla
Every time I’m about to squash one, I’m reminded of a Family Circus cartoon in which Jeffy is sitting in church obviously being annoyed by a bug of some sort and the caption reads, “Do you think God would mind if I killed this ‘skeeto?” I never really liked Family Circus. Then again I never really liked most of the comic strips that I used to read in the daily newspaper as a kid. Calvin and Hobbes and The Far Side were excellent, but that’s about it. I definitely didn’t like the older comics (Family Circus, Dennis the Menace, Blondie, Peanuts, etc.). I think the reason The Far Side was so popular is because it revolutionized comics. It was the first one to actually be funny.
Anyway, the relationship between mosquitoes and God is an interesting one to me. The existence of the former doesn’t exactly bode well for the existence of the latter, in my opinion. When I kill a mosquito I find it extremely hard to believe that anything profound happens. It either falls to the floor and I ground it into the carpet with my shoe, or, in the more unfortunate case for me, it splatters on the palm of my hand and I have to clean its remains off with a napkin. I don’t think it has a soul or that there was a divine purpose for its existence. It was just one of the unthinkably many indistinguishable, meaningless mosquitoes that have ever lived. So, my train of thought goes, if that’s the case, then why is my existence any different? I never have a satisfactory answer. Mentally, I’m obviously the superior creature, and I’m aware of my own purposelessness, but does that (somewhat paradoxically) give my life purpose? I don't think so.
If I were a man of faith I’m sure I could pretty easily reconcile this, and it wouldn’t bother me, but I’m not. I never have been. My parents raised me and my siblings in a very irreligious manner. It’s something that I’ve always appreciated. Not being religious doesn’t get nearly enough credit. You get to spend your Sundays doing things that are actually enjoyable, you aren’t racked with guilt every time you wake up with morning wood, and you don’t have to worry about “God’s plan” or living up to some unrealistic holy standard or obeying some arcane, cryptic holy text. It’s quite nice to not be religious, but it doesn’t get enough love. Star athletes and musicians are always on about God this and God that, and they often wear religious accessories (because as a friend of mine once said, nothing exemplifies humility like a $10,000 jewel-encrusted crucifix necklace). If I were a star professional athlete, every time I gave an interview I’d say, “I owe all my success to my lack of faith. I knew it was all on me, so I trained hard and it paid off.” Either that or instead of pointing to the sky in an exalted manner after making a good play, I’d wag my finger at the sky in an angry manner, after making a bad play. If you can thank the Lord when you win, can’t you blame the Lord when you lose? “Unfortunately, the good Lord just didn’t give me the ability to get the ball in the end zone. What could I do?”

So yeah, I’m not religious. I’m nothing – not spiritual, not agnostic, nothing. I don’t even say I’m atheist, because then you run into the “it takes just as much faith to be an atheist” argument, which I find extremely tiring, so I sidestep it. I’m just nothing. Whatever the default setting is, I’m on it. Don’t get me wrong, if there is some sort of divine master plan, I’m all for it. If, when I die something cool happens, like the mystery of the universe is explained to me, or my soul lives for eternity, that would be awesome. I’m just not holding out hope. That’s all.
On a very tangentially related note I recently bought the audio version of Adam Carolla’s book, In Fifty Years We’ll All Be Chicks. (Adam is outspoken about his atheism, which gives me a bit of a segue.) It’s OK, not bad, not great. I’m a big Adam Carolla fan, but his thing is free-flow conversation. On the radio, with guests, when he’s completely off-the-cuff he’s hysterical. With scripted material he’s mediocre. I never really liked his shows on Comedy Central (The Man Show and Crank Yankers), but I love his podcasts. In fact, the main reason I bought the book is because I felt compelled since I listen to his free podcasts so often, and I’m a big of that type of pay-if-you-listen, quasi-honor-system business model for things like podcasts.
On that note, I leave you with a link to a clip of Adam Carolla with Ann Coulter. It's pretty funny and very short.
Friday, December 10, 2010
Entry 37: Inconsideration and Annoyance
The other day I was going to see a woman in our department to get some reimbursements squared with my trip to New Zealand. She’s at the end of the hall outsider her office, so I ask her if she has a minute, and she says does and to come with her. Just as we’re walking into her office, a guy from the department, who’ve I’ve seen, but don’t know very well, grabs her attention. They exchange a few words, and it turns out that he basically needs the same thing done that I need done. Gradually their conversation progresses, so that instead of just a quick question or two, she’s actually helping him with his stuff, instead of helping me with my stuff, even though I was there first. She sorta realizes this and says, “Oh sorry D, did you have something really important to take care of.”
“Well,” I say, “I wanted to do the same thing as he’s doing.”
“A bit maddening isn’t it?” he asks, and then goes right back to it like he’s not even cognizant of the fact that he completely aced me out.
I just awkwardly stand there for a few moments while they press on, before piping up, “Is this going to take a while? Should I come back?”
“Oh, this type of thing could take all day,” the guy says in a jokey, faux-exasperated way.
“But, I thought we were coming in here to work on my stuff. What happened?” I say to the woman.
“Yes what did happen,” she says to the guy with half a laugh, “You really just pushed your way in, didn’t you? Poor D, he thought he was going to get this done with and be on with his day.”
“I know, I know,” he says also with half a laugh, “Terrible form on my part, terrible form,” and then he goes right back to it without missing a beat.
Luckily, he had to leave a minute later to photocopy something, so I was able to get my stuff squared away without much additional delay (he actually started to come back in the office at one point, but I saw him coming and shifted my weight toward the door to box him out, so that he would have had to physically push me over to get in). Seriously, how inconsiderate is that? He was perfectly willing to cut in front of me and get his stuff taken care of before mine, while I just stood there and watched. And we wanted to do the same thing. It’s not like he just needed something taken care of quickly, while I would be there for hours. (I was actually much faster than him, because I was better organized with my receipts.)
I’m not sure if this guy is an outright asshole or just obliviously, self-centered. I’m leaning toward the latter because it didn’t seem to ever sink in that he was being extremely rude even when it was completely obvious.
He actually reminded me of this woman who was in my office several years ago as a grad student. She wasn’t mean, in fact most of the time she was nice, but she was incredibly inconsiderate. She’d listen to music loudly while others were obviously trying to work, she’d put her stuff all over the office and take up space, things like that. Nobody outright disliked her, but eventually she got under everybody’s skin and nobody could figure out what her deal was. (Interesting side note, she was pretty cute. I say that’s interesting, because we were in an office in a math department.) She would also tell us really inappropriate things about her personal life, things that normal people reserve for their closest confidants or their shrink (or their blog).
Anyway, one day this chick up and disappears. Nobody in the office hears anything from her for about six months until one night she walks in, I happen to be there alone, and she says, “Hello D. How are you? I’ve been diagnosed with a mild case of autism.”
And just like that everything made sense. It was crystal clear. Autism! Of course. Maybe that’s what’s going on with the guy who cut in front of me. Next time I’ll see him I’ll drop a box of toothpicks and see how quickly he counts them.
On a note more of annoyance than of inconsideration, for the two Fridays prior to today there has been a guy standing outside our apartment playing extremely poor renditions of Christmas songs on a pocket trumpet. He literally stands two feet from our front door (it doesn’t look like there is an apartment unit there, which is probably part of the reason he chose that spot in the first place). We have a small unit, so if somebody is making noise outside our door, by, say, blowing a goddamn horn, then there is no escaping it. Imagine we’re in a Winnebago and he’s leaning against the grille. That’s how loudly we hear it. It sucks.
The first week he plays we just let it go and eventually he stops. The next week only I am home (S is out of town on a job for a few weeks), and I let him play for a few hours before eventually asking him (politely) to stop around 10pm. He was nice about it and probably figured I wanted to sleep, but actually I wasn’t tired, I just wanted him to shut the hell up. I was tired of listening to him massacre God Rest Ye Merry Gentleman. To give you an idea of his skill level, he’s about as good as a seventh grader playing lower-middle chair. He’s better than the kids who never practice and lie to the teacher saying they forgot their instruments at home because they’d rather goof off than participate in class (I was one of those kids), but he’s a little worse than your average middle schooler, and he couldn’t touch the top chairs. And I knew I was in for it when I heard him repeating songs. That’s when you know he has no definitive stopping point. That should be a rule for all crappy street musicians, once you run out of songs, that’s it. You’re done. Consider yourself lucky that the public is even allowing you that much.
Anyway, he was back again tonight when I got home from the gym at about 8, and I knew I had to nip this thing in the bud. I can’t let this guy think my doorway is going to become his usual Friday night spot. It would drive me absolutely insane. I had to lay down the law.
“Hey,” I said, “I couldn’t get you to move to a new spot, could I? I live right there and it just comes through, so loudly.”
“I wasn’t planning on playing late tonight.”
“I know, but it’s just that you’re so close to my apartment. Even if it’s not late, you know, I’m trying to watch TV or something and it’s just blaring right through. I mean can’t you go over there [pointing across the street] or over there [pointing down the street], just so you aren’t right next to my door? It seems like you're here each week now..."
"I've been here the last two weeks?"
"Yeah, and look, I know this is a public street and all, so I’m asking you as a favor for me, can you move please?”
“I’ll play for ten more minutes and then move on.”
True to his word, he only played for ten more minutes and much more quietly than before (hopefully I scared him). I could tell that he didn’t really want to stop or move, but it’s hard to say no in that instance. Plus, he’s kind of a meek guy, so when I noticed this I turned on a tiny bit of alpha male. Not enough so that I was a dick, but enough so that his biological instinct would be to not defy me.
It’ll be interesting to see if he’s back next week. I started thinking about what I would do if he just flat out refused to stop playing, and the best I could come up with is to stand out there right next to him and scream the lyrics to all his songs at the top of my lungs in his ear (“O STAR OF WONDER! STAR OF LIGHT! STAR OF ROYAL BEAUTY BRIGHT…”), but hopefully it won’t come to that.
Monday, December 6, 2010
Entry 36: New Zealand Part II
The only downside of the trip was the flight home. It was delayed for over an hour due to [fill in annoying reason here], and they only served dinner to passengers who prepaid for it upon booking. Apparently, the travel agent that all university employees are forced to book through (which doesn’t make any sense, but that's a story I've saved for below*) didn’t book me a dinner, which was unfortunate as due to the delay it ended up being the only time I would have had to eat a proper meal. As it turned out, my dinner was a chocolate bar from a train station vending machine and a handful of peanuts from a half-eaten bag squished at the bottom of my backpack.
Interestingly, the idea of dinner not being included with a standard ticket is very relevant to a talk I heard at the conference about “demand smoothing”, which as I understand it, basically just means varying prices to reflect short-term fluctuations in demand. One of the points of the talk is that it can sometimes be beneficial, even if it is unpopular. An example the speaker gave was a soda machine that would automatically raise prices on hotter days. This apparently was actually implemented somewhere, but the public reaction was so negative that Coke (or whoever was the operator) quickly scrapped it. The result was that the machine would sell out almost instantly on hot days, and it wasn't worth it for the operator to make a special trip to refill it. If, however, the price was higher, then it would be worth it to make more soda available and more people could be serviced. Those people who wanted a cold Coke on a hot day badly enough could have one.
Tying this back in with airlines, I don’t always mind when airlines require the customer to pay “extra” for certain services (although, it does suck to be super hungry and watching the two people next to you eating a hot meal, even if it is airline food), because it probably means a lower base ticket price, and then only the people who want the additional services have to pay for them.
Take the Bags Fly Free campaign of Southwest Airlines. Do you think Southwest is actually foregoing anything financially to let “bags fly free”? Is this some sort of goodwill gesture on their part to help cash-strapped travelers, or are they simply redistributing the costs to all their customers whether they bring a bag or not? To somebody like myself who goes out of his way to travel as light as possible, bags fly free probably means I get to pay a little more, because somebody else wants to pack their hair dryer.
And not to sound like a dick, but how dumb are people if this type of advertising actually works? Bags fly free, sure they do. In no way are luggage costs considered when setting ticket prices. In fact, all the people at the check-in counter, and all the people driving those little baggage shuttles loading and unloading suitcases, they are actually volunteers. They work for nothing so that your bags can fly free. I’m just waiting for a competing airline to announce, “not only do bags fly free, but we give you a discount if you don’t bring a bag!” That’d learn Southwest good.
And another thing, can’t we get a separate check-in line based on how much luggage one has? There is nothing worse than having a backpack and a laptop, and being stuck in the middle of a serpentine queue, while a family of seven breaks down their strollers, unloads a cart with approximately 50 suit cases in it, and scrambles to find their passports. A man in line behind me hit the nail on the head, when he turned to his wife and said, “They should have two queues, one for efficient people and one for inefficient people.” Exactly. If only such a system were possible.
I was thinking of this as T and I were trying to hurry through customs so as to catch our train from Sydney to Newcastle (we just made it). A rather robust woman in front of us had to empty some things from her suitcase and she put them right in the walkway and was taking her time to gather them. I stepped around her and in doing so gently brushed her possessions. When she gave me a dirty look I said, “Sorry, we’re in a hurry.” To which she replied snottily, “Yes, we all are.” To which I replied, “You're in a hurry? You sure ain’t moving like it. I've seen unaus move faster than you, and they are two-toed South American sloths.” Actually, I didn’t say that. I didn’t say anything. I just nodded and took off running. Really, she kind of had a point. Nobody wants to be stuck at the airport, and I normally wouldn’t act as if my time was more valuable than anybody else’s. It’s just that I really didn’t want to spend the night at the Sydney train station. That's all.
Anyway, the flight back wasn’t all bad, because I watched Goodfellas (I paid extra for it, by the way). Goodfellas was one of those, “What you’ve never seen [classic movie title] before? You have got to see it,” movies for me. I feel like I’m often let down by these movies, but not Goodfellas. It really is great. I mean, you gotta love movie from the which The Sopranos apparently got about two-thirds of their cast.
*So, my rant about travel agents. As somebody who doesn’t particularly like planning, I understand the purpose of travel agents. My parents are using one for a trip here and the agent has managed the logistics of almost all the traveling and event scheduling. That’s a worthwhile service.
What I can’t understand is why travel agents apparently can’t use this newfangled tool called the Internet. One set of airline tickets that were part of the trip with my parents looked to be priced really high to me (like $600/ticket too high), so we told the agent and she got back to us with tickets that were better, but still high (now like $250/ticket too high) saying that that was the best she could do. Not wanting to way overpay, we told her to cancel the tickets altogether. I then went online, and within, literally, twenty minutes I had purchased reasonably priced tickets. And it’s not like I used any tricks or exotic search engines, I think I used Travelocity -- a very well-known travel site that probably pops up immediately in any sort of Google search on airline ticket prices. That’s it. That's all I did.
And the same thing happened to me when I was booking a ticket to the New Zealand conference. For university-related travel, we have to book through an agent, even though it’s completely unnecessary, because academia is full of political bullshit and unnecessary middlemen. When the agent first booked my ticket, it was incredibly overpriced, which is bad, because I have a limit on my travel funds. I literally had to go online find the ticket I wanted, email it to the travel coordinator in our office, so that she could email it to the travel agency, so that they could book it for me. How idiotic is that?
Now, why couldn’t the agents simply save everybody some time and effort, and get me decent ticket prices in the first place? The obvious answer – it’s not their money. When it’s not your money you don’t really care. When it is your money, suddenly two extra clicks on a mouse to save a few hundred dollars, seems worth it. And that's why capitalism works. Now excuse me while I go read The Fountainhead.
Friday, December 3, 2010
Entry 35: New Zealand Part I
A-rockin’ on the mike while the fly girls yell.
Vanilla Ice, “Play that Funky Music”, To the Extreme
My trip was great. The conference was good, the people were nice, and Auckland is a cool city. My initial impression of Auckland was better than my initial impression of Sydney, but who can say? I really like both cities, and I haven’t spent nearly enough time in either of them to make a definitive decision.
My traveling companion for most of the trip was a tacit German coworker T. Saying T is a man of few words is like saying Toni Basil is an artist of few hits. T is primarily a man of one word, “yep”. He uses it in almost any context and always with the same matter-of-fact inflection. You could explain to him the meaning of life, and he would just nod his head and say “yep” as if he knew it all along. T is a great guy and despite (or perhaps because of) his terseness he’s good company. He also loves math and drinking beer, which helps.

The hiking was great, but we were sort of underequipped. There is nothing on Rangitoto except plants, rocks, a few birds, and other tourists. There are no shops nor cafes nor vending machines. We had some water, but nary a crumb of food, so we were extremely hungry by the end of our hike. We also were on the pink side. I brought a small container of sunblock, but it was only SPF 15. (Does that even count as sunblock? It's more like sun-slight-impedement.) It kept us from getting utterly fried, but fell short of complete protection. I also got a really bad blister on my toe that could have been easily subdued with a band-aid, if only we would have been smart enough to bring some.
The last hour of the hike was a bit on the montonuous side. There were no more great views, just miles of dry, hot rock. Still, it was a good ending, because it made you feel like you accomplished something. When we finally sat down and had a snack on the ferry back to Auckland, it felt to me like we had earned it. I got a bag of cashews and a bottle of water. T got a king-size Snickers and a Heineken. I remember thinking to myself, "Damn, I should have got what he got."
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Entry 34: New Zealand Bound
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Entry 33: Olio
I heard Ed Asner doing a radio interview the other day and it turns out that he is a “9/11-truther” (aka conspiracy nut). He went so far as to imply that the US government somehow intentionally collapsed the twin towers after the planes crashed into them. From the linked article:
“No high-rise has ever gone down by fire,” Asner explains. “Those buildings fell at the rate of gravity in ten seconds, flat.”
This whole thing is absurd to me (and no doubt many others). I’m sure the Bush regime has some secrets concerning 9/11, but I have trouble believing they were nefarious to this degree (just inept and misguided). Plus, the thing about many conspiracy theorists is that they use unexplained phenomena as “proof” of their theories. As in, “nobody can adequately explain why the buildings fell so fast, therefore it’s a government conspiracy.” The huge problem with this argument is that it ignores the fact that stuff happens all the time that not even the most qualified experts among us can explain or predict. I mean, it’s not like we have a huge test bed of cases of commercial jets careening into skyscrapers at top speeds. Given such a chaotic system, who could possibly predict the outcomes with any precision and confidence? What’s the more believable explanation, that the crashes somewhat unexpectedly caused the buildings to very quickly collapse, or that the US government orchestrated the entire thing and brought the buildings down in some covert manner? I don’t think I’m being naïve by going with the former.
S and I went to the beach again this weekend, one in Newcastle this time. (There was a lot of junior high tail running around, I’ll tell you that much.) I got burned on a strip of my arm where I must have failed to spread on sun block. One underrated thing about having a wife is that you have somebody to rub sun block on your back. I used to hate it when I’d go to the beach with my jackass friends back in the day, and they would never put any on for me. “Look man, if I could apply it myself I would. I can’t reach my back. I’m just asking you to slather a little lotion on back, not perform fellatio on me. It’s not that big a deal.” They’d never go for it. All I ever wanted was to not get burned. Curse this pale complexion.
Anyway, they had a shark warning at the beach today which was a bit unnerving, but it didn’t seem that serious. If it was serious, they need to work on their siren, because it sound like somebody was blowing into a kazoo. It certainly wasn’t very alarming. Everybody cleared the water for about 15 minutes, and then they said it was OK, again.
I took a little dip myself. It was nice. I tried to body surf on the waves, but mostly just ended up getting water up my nose. I’m thinking about getting a body board. I’ve done that a few times, and it’s pretty fun. The only problem is that I only saw kids doing it, no adults. I’m worried that I’d be mocked by the real surfers.
So, the engagement of Prince William is big news here. Before this story broke, I swear to you, I didn’t even really know that there was a Prince William. Maybe the name would have rung a bell, I’m not sure. Anyway, I couldn’t care less about all this. I consider it my patriotic duty as an American to ignore all things related to the British Crown – 1776 baby, 1776.
Two shocking stories have rocked the sports world recently. The first is that Cam Newton, a big-time college football player might have solicited money from a university (gasp!). The second is that Tony Parker, a big-time basketball player might have been unfaithful to his wife (double gasp!) actress Eva Longoria. Really, Eva should have done the unfaithful math: Mega-bucks athlete plus Frenchman equals a bunch of stories in which the words “I didn't mean to hurt anybody” and “hopefully it will amicable” are going to appear.
So this new airport scanner has become a hot topic. My take on it is I don't really mind if they use them. Who cares if somebody sees some sort of distorted x-ray image of you for a few seconds? The only worry I have is that when I go through it the female screeners will become so enamored that it will actually be harmful to their performance on the job.
Seriously though, what's the big deal? I'm not convinced that it will really make us so much safer, but if it does great. The drawbacks seem pretty minimal to me. If it makes security lines go faster, then I'm totally on board.
I love the argument that instead of this we should racially profile to increase security. Really? That's the answer. I don't think the terrorists are stupid. If we started racially profiling, I don't think it would be too hard for the evil-doers to find a white dude or chick (American Taliban, Jihad Jane) to dress up like a dignified businessperson and have them do their bidding. I mean, c'mon. It's not like if we started racially profiling we'd be finding bombs under turbans and stuff like that. Profiling just seems like a ridiculously easy measure to sidestep.
I’ve really been getting into mixed martial arts these days. It’s a very compelling sport. I love the show the Ultimate Fighter (it’s like the Project Runway of mixed martial arts), and I watched UFC 123 this afternoon.
I have a few suggestions for making the sport more interesting though. First off, the scoring needs to be changed. As it is there are 3 rounds (or 5 rounds for a championship fight) and each round is basically scored as a win, loss, or tie for the fighters. There are two problems with this. First, a fighter can barely win two rounds, and then get dominated in the other round and still win the fight. This is what happened today between Quinton “Rampage” Jackson and Lyoto “The Dragon” Machida. There was basically no action in the first two rounds, nobody really landed anything serious, and then Machida completely dominated the third round nearly knocking Jackson out. But the judges awarded the first two rounds to Jackson, so he won the fight despite the fact that, on the whole, he got his ass kicked and basically inflicted no damage on his opponent (which he graciously admitted after the fight).
Second, a fighter can convincingly win the first two rounds and then just “run-away” the third round, winning the fight, but boring all the spectators. This is what Maiquel Falcao did in his win over Gerald Harris.
Both of these issues would be relatively easy to fix. First, simply score each round in a less binary fashion – make all rounds out of 10 and give 1 for a really poor performance, 5 for an average performance, and 10 for a great performance. So, the scoring for Jackson/Machida could have been 4-3 Jackson, 4-3 Jackson, and then 7-3 Machida, giving Machida the victory 13-11, which would have been way fairer. Second, declare fights a no-contest if fighters don’t engage throughout the fight, or at the very least give fighters a “no-round” on their record if they just stall for a round. If you get too many no-rounds then you can’t fight for a year or you get a dock in pay or something like that. It’s not fair to the audience to buy a ticket to watch a guy run around the ring for the last 5 minutes.
Monday, November 15, 2010
Entry 32: More Beaches
Yesterday S and I went to Bondi Beach to see a free art exhibit called Sculpture by the Sea. Bondi Beach is a very beautiful (and apparently very popular) beach in Sydney. The name reminds me of 1988 US Olympic swimming star Matt Biondi – one of several now-obscure Olympians that I that I remember ardently rooting for as a lad (Mark Lenzi and Steve Timmons are two others). Anyway, the name Sculpture by the Sea is a bit misleading since there are many sculptures. Some of them were cool looking, some were hideous, but most were just there. (Oh, look, a red thing wrapped around a silver thing.) All in all it was a good exhibit and a beautiful day.
We got off to a bit of a rocky start though. Newcastle is just a bit too far away from Sydney to have a proper day trip. To get there at a reasonable hour, S and I had to wake up early, and by the time we actually got to the beach we had been traveling for about 4 hours. We were both extremely hungry, but were having trouble finding a decent place to eat, because all the restaurants were full. (Apparently a free exhibit on a beautiful beach, on a beautiful Sunday afternoon, in a city of 4.5 million people draws a big crowd. Who would have imagined that?) After several arguments and empty, profanity-laden threats by both S and I to “just turn around and go home”, we final settled in at Bavarian Bier Café.
It turned out to be a decent place. The food was pretty good and it’s tough to hate on an establishment where you can sit outside and drink half-liter steins of beer, but we did have a few issues with the staff. First off, they twice forget to bring us a bread basket we ordered. Well, actually they forgot it once, and then when we reminded them of it, they mistakenly gave it to the couple sitting next to us (who didn’t say anything because they probably just figured bread came with their meals). Then they brought us shots of some red concoction that we never ordered. We didn’t take them, but they showed up on the bill anyway. When I initially paid the bill I didn’t notice this. (The service was also quite slow, so I gave the server my credit card immediately when she arrived, so that we wouldn’t have to wait another twenty minutes to flag her down again to pay.) I brought this to the attention of a staff member and we had the following exchange.
Me: Hi, I was charged for this [pointing to the bill], but we didn’t order it.
Her: Vell, [she had a German accent] it’s zee same bill vee brought you before. You have paid already.
Me: Yeah, I know. I didn’t notice it before.
Her: Vell, it is finalized. There is nothing vee can do.
Me: Can’t you credit my card or something?
Her: No. It is finalized. You should have a look first before you pay.
Me: Can I talk to your manager? [We walk inside to the manager.]
Her: [To the manager pointing at bill] This “gentleman” says he did not order these drinks, but he has already paid. It is finalized in zee computer. There is nothing vee can do, is there?
Manager: [Friendly] Probably. [To me] How about if I just give you $8 in cash?
Me: Well, it was $24 actually, 8 times 3.
Manager: Gotcha [She reaches into till and gives me the money.]
Me: [Beaming with a Cheshire Cat grin at the staffer.] Thank you.
Because the manager was so nice to me they saved some future business. Now, if I’m ever at Bondi Beach again looking for a place to eat, I will consider Bavarian Bier Café. Actually, I probably won’t, because I’d want to try somewhere new, but still. I appreciate the way the manager handled things. As for the staffer, what the hell? She was acting like I was asking her to deduct $24 out of her personal paycheck. What does she care? And I like how you she was trying to convince me the transaction was “finalized” and there was nothing that could possibly be done. Give me a break, it’s a restaurant tab, not divine scripture.
Anyway, after lunch we walked along the beach, met one of S’s friend K and looked at all the sculptures. K is an American who has been living in Sydney since May. She was telling us some stories about her stalker. He’s not a real stalker (hopefully) just a guy who can’t take a hint. He apparently texted her roughly ten times, called her a few times, and put a note under her door (they live in the same apartment complex) all without her responding. He’s a 34 year old man, by the way. I could understand if he was 24 and just didn’t know any better, but 34? C’mon dude, give up. I mean what’s next, smoke signals?
OK, gotta go. S wants to play cards. She’s on a gin-rummy kick, because she found out that she’s better than me. For now, at least. Let me get a few games under my belt, analyze some strategies, and I won’t be fun to play with for long.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Entry 31: Vanuatu Trip, Part II
We woke up relatively early on Saturday to go on the Blue Lagoon Tour. This consisted of going to a beautiful blue lagoon, where you could swim and kayak, and where a villager dressed as Brooke Shields reenacted scenes from the 1980 movie Blue Lagoon. (OK, that last part isn’t true.)
The tour consisted of only five people, the guide, me and S, and another couple, much older than us (they were retired), who lived in Australia, although the man was Scottish. They were pretty cool, but the man was so concerned with “getting his money’s worth” instead of just enjoying this little Eden in front of us. Whenever things weren’t exactly as he thought they would be – like they only had two kayaks instead of four, so we’d have to take turns – he would tell the guide, “You should have told us that before we made the booking.” The guide, to his credit, mostly just shrugged his shoulders and ignored him. The best part about the Blue Lagoon Tour was that I got to swing Indian Jones-style off a bank into the water.
After the Blue Lagoon we went to another beautiful spot where we had some “light refreshments” (cookies and juice) and swam some more. It started to rain there, but I didn’t mind too much, because it was still quite warm. The Scotsman stayed in the van when he saw the rain saying, “The only people who go out in weather like this are lunatics and Englishmen.” On the way back, he and I were discussing the local beer Tusker, saying it was pretty good, and he turned to his wife and said, “I hope you haven’t anything planned, because it’s a six pack of Tusker and a newspaper, and that’s me for the day.”
Going to and from the lagoon we used a road built as part of a project that S helped manage (from the States) a few years ago. The driver even showed her a sign commemorating the road that said the project’s name on it. She screamed with excitement when she saw this, jolting to attention the Scotsman who had dozed off a bit, but now thought he was missing something extremely interesting, “What? What? What is it? What is it?” He chuckled when he saw it was just a road sign.
That night we went to a fancy resort called Iririki for dinner. It was great, but we forgot to bring some sort of time telling device, so instead of constantly bothering people to tell us the time, I came up with the idea of using the time-seal on our camera. I stand by it that this was an ingenuous idea, but it didn’t really work out. I got the wrong initial time difference between the camera and reality (it wasn’t my fault, some woman gave me the wrong current time), and then we just ended up taking a lot of pics like this one, so we could see the time.
The next day we went dune buggy driving, which is quite awesome to do in a country with virtually no vehicular safety regulations. You just bomb around in these little go-karts through the streets, on the beach, and through the trails of the villages. The latter is a bit nerve racking, because the village kids will frequently mob your buggy, while it’s moving, to ask for “lollies” (they sell candy at the shop to throw out to them and the proceeds supposedly go to the village). They get so close and they are so young, sometimes not much older than 3 or 4 years, that it’s a wonder they still have two feet.
I did all the driving. S wanted to drive, but I don’t think she was ready for the trial by fire that would ensue. She would have liked some practice and instruction, instead of, “That peddle is go, that peddle is stop, keep up with the pack, see ya,” which is what we got. The whole time I kept thinking about how this would never be allowed in the States without tons of waivers, a closed course, insurance, etc. which frustrated me a bit. Obviously it’s not a good idea to let little kids get within inches of fast moving vehicles, but there must be a happy medium between that and all the bullshit safety regulations we have in the States. I use the adjective bullshit, because that’s what they are. I think the overwhelming majority of our regulations in the US aren’t about safety. They are about power and money (big surprise, I know). Either it’s a politician wanting to give you the illusion they are making you safer (even if they aren’t), or it’s somebody covering their ass so that somebody else won’t sue, or it’s somebody trying to rip you off in the name of “safety” with inspection fees, fines for violation, and insurance costs. (And often that somebody is the government.) It’s a fine system we’ve worked out for ourselves, and by fine I mean completely crappy. I’ll leave it at that before I start to sound like some anti-government, anti-regulation zealot (which I’m definitely not). Actually, I’ll say one more thing. Guess where our buggy tour guides took us for a break – a bar to get a beer. Not in the US.
Anyway, the buggy tour was our last real event of the vacation. The next morning we took the long and boring flight back to Sydney followed by the long and boring train ride back to Newcastle. I definitely could have a stayed a few more days in Vanuatu.
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Entry 30: Vanuatu Trip, Part I
Finally, I get a little bit of time to blog. Things have been quite busy for me since we got back. I am going to break this blog up into two parts, a la The Brady Bunch whenever the Bradys would go on vacation. Be it the Grand Canyon or Hawaii, they would always have multiple episodes.
So, if you’re reading this blog and you’re only vaguely familiar or perhaps not familiar at all with the existence of an island nation called Vanuatu, don’t feel bad about your lack of knowledge (well, feel a little bad). They’ve only been independent since 1980, so they are younger than I am. We ended up going there, because I have a wife who likes places slightly off the beaten path, and frequently prods me to agree to vacation at such places. Often these are places I would never want to go. Often these are places I don’t think anybody but she would want to go. It’s not uncommon for her to initiate a conversation, out of the blue, like the following.
Her: “Hey, can we go to Tora Bora someday?”
Me: “Um… isn’t that the mountain region in Afghanistan where they train Al-Qaeda fighters.”
Her: “Yeah, but I heard it’s beautiful.”
So, when she suggested we go to a tropical island, I was all in. It’s quite a nice place to vacation, actually. We were talking about how we wouldn’t be surprised if it becomes a huge tourist destination in the next few years or so. It seems like there is always a country that gets the reputation of being a chic tourist destination and then blows up overnight, Thailand for example. Who went to Thailand 15 years ago? Now, everybody goes. Vanuatu has the potential to be a place like that. And if it happens I’ll say, please, been there, done that.
Anyway, we stayed at a nice resort called The Benjour. I liked it – very pretty, nice, and clean, but not too ritzy or expensive. The rooms were individual bungalows which was cool. When we arrived there they told us, “Things here are really laid back. People like to take it easy and not focus on their watches all time. Everything runs on island time,” which loosely translates to “Look, don’t get on our cases if service is a little slow.”
Our first night there we just sat by the water, had a few cocktails, and recovered from our 4:30 wake up that morning. It was a great night. The next day we went into to town on a bus (which is a bus in the same sense as a VW Bus is a bus) and saw a little bit of Port Vila. It seems like a pretty cool city. For somebody like myself who has never been to a developing country you see a few strange things (there are literally no stop lights in the entire city, the roadways are basically an anarchy), but it’s not too hard to adapted, and the city is quite safe, from what we’ve been told, and the people are mostly friendly and helpful.
At night, we went to a cultural feast that was completely hokey, but fun nonetheless. (It seems in Vanuatu they eat meat and potatoes just like we do!) My “favorite” part about the feast is that the only thing they had to drink was that crappy McDonald’s-style orange drink. I’ve never known what that stuff is. It’s not juice and it’s not soda. It’s like orange flavored Kool Aid, but it’s not that sugary. I hadn’t had it in years, but I remember drinking that stuff at functions when I was a kid from a giant vat with a McDonald’s logo on it. Apparently, it’s the appropriate drink for a cultural feast with Vanuatu villagers.
Actually, I did have another drink there, kava, a mild sedative. Everybody got in a line and chugged some out of a stone cup as part of a ritual. It didn’t taste great, and it made my tongue numb.
The entertainment at the feast consisted of music making and dancing by the villagers. This part was pretty cool. We missed the first half of it though, because there was a mix up between our resort and the bus driver and by the time somebody actually came to pick us up the show had already started – island time.
Anyway, that’s all for this entry. Coming up next entry, dodging naked village kids in dune buggies.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Entry 29: Another Quick Post
That is all. I promise to write much more and post some pictures some time this week. For now, I have to unpack and catch up on work and experience the general downer that is returning from a vacation.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Entry 28: Pre-Vanuatu
I’m really hoping it doesn’t rain. Actually, I wouldn’t mind a little bit. A passing thunder storm might be cool, but I definitely want some time of lazing on the beach and enjoying the sun.
I’m also really hoping that I’m able to post this entry tonight. Our Internet is running extremely slowly, because we went over our monthly transmission allotment of 50GB, and when that happens apparently things just run really slowly. We actually hit 62GB in 20 days, so we are going to have to up our package to 200GB/mo. for $20 extra. That should be enough to satisfy our rapacious Internet appetites.
By the way, the monetary unit of Vanuatu is the vatu, which I know from playing Scrabble, but never knew the definition of until today. It seems like the vast majority of words I don’t know the definition of, but know from Scrabble (which is many), end up being one of four things: an animal, a plant, a foreign monetary unit, or a letter from a foreign alphabet.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Entry 27: Absentmindedness and nostalgia
S, thankfully, wasn’t too annoyed. She wasn’t relying on me for anything other than company on the bus ride home, so it’s not like I completely messed up her schedule, but still. I felt bad about it, so in addition to giving her a heartfelt apology, I bought a bottle of wine and a piece of chocolate peanut butter pie (good thing we live right by a bottle shop and about ten cafes). That mostly smoothed things over. I guess gifts are a good way to avoid the doghouse, at least for minor infractions. I doubt wine and pie would work if I tried to go Tiger Woods on her.
It’s a miserable day today weather-wise. Late last night it started dumping rain and just didn’t let up. It’s supposed to continue tomorrow as well, which is unfortunate since my route to work involves a decent amount of walking, and I don’t like getting wet. I did shell out some dough for a nice umbrella though. After my $5 one was completely destroyed by a mild breeze, I realized it makes sense to get something decent.
Luckily, yesterday before the rainstorm came through S and I were able to get a nice walk to the beach. The weather was a bit overcast and windy, but warm enough. Overcast, windy days at the beach make me quite nostalgic. They remind me of trips to Long Beach, WA where I would go with my family and family friends to vacation sometimes throughout my childhood, and Cannon Beach, OR where I would go with my friend J and his parents (they were divorced and would take us for a week a piece) during junior high. I have very vivid memories of listening to a specific mixed tape on a boom box with a beach fire going and haystack rock in the skyline. The tape included Helmet, Alice In Chains, The Sugar Cubes, and The Lemonheads (early 90s classics).
Speaking of being in junior high, there were some kids at the beach of about that age that were goofing around and doing back flips off the pathway ledge onto the sand a few feet below. It was pretty impressive. I could relate. Not that my friends or I could do anything as cool as back flips, but I remember being that age, too old to “play”, too young to drive, where you’d say, “I’m bored, let’s go to [public place within walking distance] and do [pointless activity]”. Chris Rock does a funny bit about this, where in response to everybody clamoring about the need for teens to have activities, like midnight basketball, to keep them out of trouble, Rock says something to the effective of, “Whatever happened to just being bored?” It’s funny because it’s true.
In other news, I have noticed a somewhat popular men’s hairstyle here is the mohawk-mullet. It comes in chic,
white trash,
and my personal favorite Bosworth. (Even though probably nobody here has ever heard of Brian Bosworth*.)
I took a great picture of some dude at a restaurant with a sweet mohawk-mullet, but I can’t figure out how to send a pic from my phone to an email address. If I ever do, I will post it. The funniest part is that the dude’s son had the exact same hairstyle. He was too wily for me to discreetly get a photo though.
*Brian Bosworth is best known for a single play in which he was overpowered by Bo Jackson on a touchdown run. Although, in watching the video it’s a wonder why. Jackson definitely gets the better of "The Boz", but it’s really nothing special. You see that type of play in every NFL game.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Entry 26: Dinner and a Movie
The restaurant was obvious family owned*, and they had a girl of about ten (literally) working the register and as a quasi-busgirl. At one point they forgot our drinks, so I was looking to catch somebody’s attention, and the little girl noticed me and came over to see what I wanted. After the exchange S said, “I can’t believe you got a 10-year old girl to get our drinks!” “She works here!” I replied, “What am I supposed to do?” I don’t think S noticed here working. She thought I just asked some little Asian girl who was hanging around to get our drinks.
We saw the movie “Special Relationship.” It chronicles the relationship between Tony Blair (Michael Sheen) and Bill Clinton (Dennis Quaid), particularly concerning the Monica Lewinsky scandal and the Kosovo quagmire.** It wasn’t terrible, but I wouldn’t say it was great. Quaid mostly failed as Clinton. He had the voice down, but he turned him into a caricature, which really detracted from the movie.
It was a mostly forgettable movie. The most notable thing about going to see it is that, literally, we were the only people in the theater. It’s was sorta weird. You can talk during the movie and be as loud as you like which is nice, but at the same time, you can't help but think, “what’s the point in paying $30 to come here when we could watch a movie alone for free at home?” I guess the answer is that it’s nice to feel like you are having a night out sometimes even if you just end up watching a movie alone.
Well, time to go. We have to go grocery shopping and then we are going to another BBQ at H’s – two weeks in a row.
* From where we were sitting we could see one of the employees taking a break and eating. She was wearing a pink sweatshirt that said “Playboy” on the back, and she pulled an iPad out of a Hello Kitty sleeve. I’m not trying to stereotype, but if I gave you one guess at her ethnicity, what would it be? Jewish?
** When we got home, S and I googled Slobodan Milosevic and were reminded that he died of heart failure during his war crimes trial. Is that not the best case scenario? You've got this evil despot accused of almost unspeakable atrocities, you are trying to prosecute him, it's a touchy political situation, everybody's got opinions, you're not sure how to proceed, and then the guy dies... well, problem solved.