Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Entry 28: Pre-Vanuatu

This will be a shorty of an entry as S and I are headed to Vanuatu (a small island nation in the South Pacific) for a long weekend very early tomorrow morning, and I still need to do a few things before we go. S has been told by a bunch of people that Vanuatu is very beautiful, so since we are so close now, we figured, why not?

I’m really hoping it doesn’t rain. Actually, I wouldn’t mind a little bit. A passing thunder storm might be cool, but I definitely want some time of lazing on the beach and enjoying the sun.

I’m also really hoping that I’m able to post this entry tonight. Our Internet is running extremely slowly, because we went over our monthly transmission allotment of 50GB, and when that happens apparently things just run really slowly. We actually hit 62GB in 20 days, so we are going to have to up our package to 200GB/mo. for $20 extra. That should be enough to satisfy our rapacious Internet appetites.

By the way, the monetary unit of Vanuatu is the vatu, which I know from playing Scrabble, but never knew the definition of until today. It seems like the vast majority of words I don’t know the definition of, but know from Scrabble (which is many), end up being one of four things: an animal, a plant, a foreign monetary unit, or a letter from a foreign alphabet.


  1. I hope you had sunny days.

    I am totally over this La Nina and all its rain. Give me drought any day.
    (only kidding)
