Saturday, October 2, 2010

Entry 22: Labor Day Weekend

It’s Labor Day weekend here in Australia. I like Labor Day. It seems weird to me to have an entire holiday based on the process of giving birth, but whatever, I appreciate the day off regardless. S is going to spend tomorrow evening in Sydney and then go on some sort of day trip with a newfound friend of hers who lives there on Monday. I thought about going, but I’m not so interested in the day trip, and if I just go for Sunday and then come back on Monday I’m giving up a large part of the long weekend, which I can’t really afford to do, because I have to start put my resume together and looking for jobs. It seems like I shouldn’t have to do this, being that I just started my current job a few months ago, but if we stay in Oz only through my current contract, which seems likely at this moment, then I’ll need a job next year, and this is when a lot of academic jobs start accepting applications. It’s such an arduous, unfun process, but so be it.

In other news, the Collingwood Magpies won the AFL premiership final rematch by 56 points. I know all my readers were dying to know the result. Speaking of sports I’m on the verge of winning my fantasy baseball league. I’m not bragging, but I’m a damn good fantasy baseball manager. Barring an epic collapse in the next few days I will have won the championship in one league, and finished with the best overall record in another (although I lost my first playoff game in that league). Moneyball, baby. I’m good at finding value (or lack thereof) in players when it’s not obvious to the common fan. It’s impossible to win all the time in fantasy baseball, there is way too much randomness, but I’m usually able to tilt the scales in my favor.

Anyway, daylight savings time starts here this week and ends in the States next week. That means that in two weeks we will go from being 14 hours ahead of the east coast US (17 west coast) to being 16 hours ahead of the east coast US (19 west coast). This hopefully will not have any effect on them showing live NFL games.

S hasn’t had much to do lately which is not good. She gets bored and antsy when she doesn’t have “things” to do during her day. I’m the opposite. I love doing nothing (which isn’t actually nothing, but just the things that I want to do), especially if I know it’s temporary. For me, it’s great to be on a downtime at work, or to have a job waiting for you that you haven’t yet started, because you can goof off and you don’t have the pressure of needing to find a job weighing on you. In fact, if I could live in a perpetual state of being about to start a job, I probably would do so. S wouldn’t though, so hopefully she finds more to do soon. She certainly wouldn’t make a good retiree. I think I’m going to make a great retiree. I mean, I actually have to have a career to retire from first, but after that.


  1. Hey Croc DG,

    I'm sorry I haven't been around sooner.

    As for your recent entries:

    Entry #20, Bellyaching:

    You really need to be more careful and not over eat like that. "Over eat," by the way, is a big understatement. Mostly it sounds like a case of indigestion / trouble digesting rather than actually being sick. That would have been far worse, but far be it from me to be Negative Nancy ...

    "I felt like a sorority girl who ate the fruit at the bottom of the party punch." -- ha ha

    As for the with the prosthetic leg, I'm going to guess that was a real situation given the complexity of what had to be done (e.g. removing his pants, staying with him for an hour). Why did it take the ambulance an hour to get there? That's a scary long time. BTW, what's the emergency # in Australia? I know in the UK it's 999.

    Entry #21: This "issue" of female sportscasters, or whatever they're supposed to be, in the men's locker room has actually been around for quite some time. I remember a previous period of "scandal" in the 1980s. It involves that involved the late Victor Kiam of the Remington razors company and the incident with sportswriter Lisa Olson in the Patriots locker room in 1990?

    That whole incident seems positively Harvard Law Review serious compared to the Mexican fluff bunny.

    As for the current contretemps with Ms. Sainz, I'm not surprised the female callers were as harsh on her.

    Entry #22: Shouldn't it be "Labour Day"?? I mean, when in Rome ...

    Wow, 17 / 19 hours difference. It would be simpler just to make it an even 24 hours.

    Did you know that Russia did not switch to the modified Gregorian calendar until 1918 after the Bolsheviks came to power. By contrast, the loose amalgamation of principalities that was Poland adopted it more or less in 1582 when it came out. In the intervening 336 years, the original 11 day difference grew to 13 days, so Jan. 31, 1918 was followed by Feb. 14, 1918.

    But think of how complicated it was traveling between Poland and Russia during those 3+ centuries in terms of time!

    Interestingly, when Russia became part of the U.S., it automatically switched from Julian to modified Gregorian, so Oct. 6, 1867 became Oct. 18, 1867. This corresponded to 11 calendar days rather than 12 since the International Date Line also shifted!

    Sorry for such a long comment.

  2. Correction: "1980s" should have been "1990s".

  3. Correction again: When ALASKA became part of the U.S.

    God, I'm dumb.

  4. I think the ambulance took so long because it wasn't a life or death situation, but honestly I'm not sure.

    The emergency # is 000. I don't like repeated numbers, by the way, seems too easy to accidentally press with cell phones.
